Should bunnies share a cage ?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
Benji and Mookie are firm friends now and BenjiLOVES to groom Mookie, whilst Mookie - the little madam - likes nothingbetter than to sit there and let him !

Since it's started getting bitterly cold here at nights I have thoughtabout bringing them in and putting them together in the indoor cage atnights. (They each have their own wooden hutch fordaytime)

What would your concerns be? I just feel a bituneasy - there's nowhere for one to go if the other is botheringhim/her, and perhaps they need their own space? Or am I beingsilly and would they actually love being together all the time?

I can't make my mind up what to do.
By the way ... they're spayed and neutered .. :)

Benji seems to duck his head down when she comes near him and thenstarts to groom her at times... Oh .. she'sgrooming him now !

Benji looks sad though .. he always does unless he's out running wildin the garden .. his ears are back and flattened as in the pic below ..


Well, you could monitor them closely to see ifthey bother each other. IF not then I dont see why they cant share acage. My 2 buns share a cage and everything is fine except when Irefill the food bowl. Thenthose buns willpush shoveand nip to get first bites, lol
Phew .. thanks for the reply .. am watching them as we "speak" .. or as I type anyways !

They're both nibling at hay and taking it in turns to thow a toy aroundthe cage ... Benji still has his ears down but err, to behonest, he's been like that since his neuter! (Not really surprised, I'd probably bethe same)

Every now and then they get up close and one or other of them will groom ...

To be honest, I would love it if they were happy to be together all thetime as I'm at work full time now and don't have quite as much time toplay with them and worry that one or the other will be lonely ...

I put a little bit of brocolli in the cage and they both shared it ...taking it in turns to hog it whilst the other nibbled away at what ithad in it's mouth .. that's a good sing surely?
I have three rabbits who all share a cage full time - two bucks and a doe. They are all bonded and very happy together.

Sounds to me like it would be no problem whatsoever with your two, theyare obviously in love and bonded already! I say go for it. Monitor themclosely just to be on the safe side, but I feel that you'll have noproblems with them.
Heh .. am sat here with a huge grin on my face! One of the reasons we got another bun was becasuewe didnt think Benji could get on with humans, so maybe he would get onwith another bun ... asit is now, he loves US and HER! :bunnydance:

As I sit here Benji is snuggled on some hay and Mookie is giving his ears a good kissy wash !

It's so cute to see them like that. Even afterall this time with three rabbits (year and half), both myhusband and I still go "Look at Chompers and Abby" Or "Look at Valurancleaning Chompers". We just love watching them groom each other andplay.
I agree, it sounds as if they are getting onwell enough to share. If the cage is big enough, you could try puttingand up-turned box in, with the front cut out so one could lay in thereif they want privacy.

I think it's just wonderful how Benji turned out - good things come to those that wait ;)

LuvaBun ... am so glad too, believe me ..

Ohhh .. it was so cute a moment ago, they were both stretched out andlay with their heads together, taking it in turns to lick one another'sears ..

Sorry .. am sooo sad arent I? lol Am SO SO bursting with happiness though !
That's so nice to see. Nothing better than snuggling up to your bunny-buddy for a long day of napping.
Just love it when it is working out so well for Benji.

The only experience I have on bonding is that I kept the two bunniesapart in their own cages. Only whenI let them together was when I was keeping a close eye onthem. But seems like yours have passedthat stage.

Rainbows! :)
Saffy wrote:
Benji and Mookie are firm friends now and Benji LOVES togroom Mookie, whilst Mookie - the little madam - likes nothing betterthan to sit there and let him !

Since it's started getting bitterly cold here at nights I have thoughtabout bringing them in and putting them together in the indoor cage atnights. (They each have their own wooden hutch fordaytime)

What would your concerns be? I just feel a bituneasy - there's nowhere for one to go if the other is botheringhim/her, and perhaps they need their own space? Or am I beingsilly and would they actually love being together all the time?

I can't make my mind up what to do.
My only concern would be the bringing them in and out everyday - thetemperature swing could put them into moult constantly. :)

Ah ! Thanks .. I didnt realisethis. I've definitely decided to keepthem together .. as you can see from this pic .. they are so in love ...


Will keep them outside but bring them into the garage at nights .. it'sjust as cold as outside in there but at least there isnt any wind !


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