Should bunnies have a nite lite or is it okay....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
Reaction score
Belleville, Illinois, USA
to have it completely dark..usually I cut all thelites off in my house at night but was wondering if i should leave alite on?..I mean it didnt seem to bother cadbury i just wanna know
I think all animals do well in the dark...I'mpretty sure they can see much better than us in the dark and I think itcalms them and makes them feel secure! I keep the lights offwhen I leave my rabbits, just to calm them and reduce the heat from thelamps!

Hope this helps

My buns do just fine in the dark.

Even when it's pitch black...they still are able to find their food dish and toss it around for hours on end!!!
Jim- Aint that the truth!! Willowslitter box will be on the other side of the cage....and last night,Cosmo managed to toss his food dish onto the bottom story of his cage,spilling all the pellets....but I Just couldn't seem to get up at thetime to clean it up...when I woke up later, he was eating the pelletsoff of the cage floor..hahah, he deserved it!

Ohhhhhhh .... what a sweet and precious question!...

My bunny has always done just fine in the dark. In fact, hereally seems to hunker down and relax when the lights are off.
As buns tend to nap during daylight I doubt anite light would do them much harm. Breeders are able toencourage breeding by insuring specified periods of light time withartificial lighting regardless of what is occurring in Nature.

I wonder if "long days" created by artificial lighting could provoke molting?

The heat most certainly induces a molt, however,we start putting on lights 24/7 when the temps go below 40 degrees, andthe only rabbits that go into molts at that time are the ones on thetop cages nearest the lights.

They do still go through their regular seasonal molts, and theartificial changes in their "daylight" hours do not appear to disruptthis cycle. (As alsoindicated by scientific studies).

My bunns do have a "night light" -- there's a small full spectrum light on 24/7 near the doorway.


Now that I think about you think I'mreally messing with my rabbit's heads by having the lights go on andoff through out the day? I don't want to stress them outbecause of that...what do you think?
They don't need a night light. they can see justfine in the dark. If they were outside then they are use to it becauseits usually dark, but every now and then some lights from cars.

Jack and Marshmellow's mom

My rabbits have total dark at night.They share a room with my ferrets and rats and ferrets and rats needtotal darkness. (There have been studies linking differenttypes of cancer to mixed up day/night cycles in theseanimals.) I've not heard of a problem with rabbits havinglight at night, but I have with my other critters and since they are inthe same room....

My bunnies don't have any problem with light ordark.. What they do, well one of them anyway, have a problem with isnoise! If we do not leave the radio or TV on Cleo tears upher cage and then rattles the door to her cage. If there issound in the room she goes off to sleep :?
irishmist wrote:
My bunnies don't have any problem with light or dark.. Whatthey do, well one of them anyway, have a problem with isnoise! If we do not leave the radio or TV on Cleo tears upher cage and then rattles the door to her cage. If there issound in the room she goes off to sleep :?

That's so cute! Maybe you need to sing her a lullaby! I'm theexact opposite...I can't sleep with any noise! Well, I takethat back, I have to sleep with the noise of my fan...but any othernoise is bad news! But, having rabbits in my room has helpedme with that a little...
aww lol lol aww thats cute! i just smoothmy buttons head and he just falls asleep then but with the girls ivegotta play with them first to get them to sleep lol!!