Just wanted to give an update on my littleShort-ness. He has been sick on and off for about 6weeks. The vet prescribed cephalexin twice for him, yet therunny nose STILL came back. My vet did a culture and couldn'tfind ANYTHING wrong. She suggested he might have allergies,or he might be a runny-nosed-bunny. Anyone have a rabbit (ordog or cat) that simply has a tendency to have an abnormally wetnose? She told me AFTER the culture (and $227.00 later) thatshe THOUGHT he might not be sick, as his wet nose is like water, notsnot. She told me the discharge isn't a need for panic UNTILit is green or yellow, smells or is very slimy. I am losingfaith in the veternarian system. It seems so hopeless thatthey couldn't tell me anything. Has this ever happened toanyone else?