She's Home!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Pasadena, California, USA

Wednesday morning at 9am sharp I took my wife home! I was ecstatic. I absolutely hated having her gone from home that long, and I know she hated staying in the hospital! She said the food was yuck and she was pretty bored. John and our friend Alden even cooked (!!) for the occassion. What's better is... They cleaned up my kitchen afterwards! That will never happen again, I can guarantee it.

She's happy, I'm happy, Tanner came home from school and she was there, and HE was happy. The dogs are happy, haha. Happy!!

Physically, she is doing fine. The sling is off naturally. She insists that her collarbone does not hurt. When it heals with a knot, I will be holding back "I told you so"s. Her face looks a lot better, but then facial lacerations normally do heal quickly. Still sore and lots of bruising. I wish she'd let me take pics, some of the colors are really wicked.

She has a few after effects of the hematoma and the procedure to relieve it, like she repeats things sometimes. She also has a bit of word confusion. We were talking about our chickens on the car ride home, and about our plans of if we were going to let the hens sit on a clutch or not in the spring, and she says "I think it would be nice to have buckets around." It took me a few seconds but I replied back "Do you mean chicks?" And she got kind of defensive and goes "That's what I said, isn't it? Baby chickens." That was a little weird, but the doctors told us it was normal and it will go away.

I'm so happy. It's SO NICE to be working on school stuff or just on hereand hear the other four in the kitchen laughing and joking around. It's been so quiet around here and now I realize why. She's that bright, shiny, vivacious thing that makes it happy and sparkly. It's freaking awesome just to lay with her on the couch and just be there, or be in the kitchen and have her walk past and you get a whiff of her shampoo, or brushing our teeth in the same sink and knocking elbows, holding hands in the car. It sounds dumb but I really missed those things! Little tiny things that are awesome.

Anyhoo. So hopefully life can return to normal around here. You know, as normal as it gets, haha!

I is a happy Cait. :pinkbouce:
I'm so glad to hear that she is getting better and is now home!

I had a concussion from a car accident about two years ago, and I did the same word mix up thing for a couple weeks after the accident. I called a house a car and things like that. I can only imagine that stuff like that would be worse with the haematoma.

I had two lacerations on the side of my head, beside my ear, and had to have stitches. Now, there is no scarring, and you can't tell at all. The doctor that did my stitches did an awesome job. Hopefully, your wife's lacerations will heal as nicely as mine did.

:D Thanks guys! I'm a happy camper.

We took a road trip for winter coat shopping yesterday, and had a fun time. We get in the car to go and our roommate John tells her "And if you don't put on your seatbelt, I'm going to have to smack you!" We're all really anal about seat belts now.

She hasn't returned to school yet, nor can she drive/operate machinery. (Ha! Machinery...) So she's been taking it easy around the house and catching up on some TV series, baking a bit. I can tell she's at least semi-enjoying not having rigorous schooling every day. But I know she's anxious to get back, because she simply can't fall too behind.

The repeating has lessened some. Now it's more the word confusion that's the problem. I'd like to say that it's minor and occassional, but it's pretty noticeable... The day after she came home, my grandmother came to see us, and as she was leaving she asked "Is she okay... you know, in her brain?" I had to laugh at that. I explained that it was only temporary. Earlier she said "I wish it was legal to eat your own children" and I couldn't figure out what she was trying to say, even after a few moments, so I asked her to repeat herself. Nope she meant what she said! LMAO. She's kind of weird.

We were at the mall yesterday, and my sister, her, and our son went off on their own adventure, and John and I went together to a sporting goods store. The mall closed, so we went to the car in our coats, and we got tired of waiting for the other three, so John calls Alexis and asks where they are.

"Where are you?" *looks confused* "You're where?" *looks more confused* "You're in Purgatory?" *looks confused at me and then shakes head as if he decided that wasn't important* "Well we're at the car. So hurry up, Heaven or Hell."

It was funny. They were in Barnes and Noble, the book store.

Her facial lacs didn't need sutures, which was nice. So they're healing rather quickly and her face looks almost normal, at least enough she'll go out in public.
That is so nice to have her home I'm sure the stress level has dropped a now u wont have to do all that running around, and worry so much when she is away from is so nice to have her home and safe. YEAH!!!!!!
Great to hear that your wife is home and things are starting to get back to "normal." I know what you mean about that "some-thing" missing from the house when some one isn't there. It really does make a difference on how routines continue, or not. It's almost like a drug, or a high,to have that essence around you, and you don't even know it until it's gone.

Best wishes for continued healing... :hug:


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