She's electric!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Austin, Texas, USA
Well, now that you have the Electric Slide thoroughly implanted in your brains (where it will remain for several're welcome)...on to the problem at hand (err...paw):

Q-tip's nose. It's shocking! (Boogie woogie, woogie...). Every time we nose kiss, we both get a little zap.

Nothing has changed in AC patterns in the apt, brushing patterns of the bunny, or grooming habits of the human.

Why in the past few days is she zapping me? How do I make it stop? It makes nose kissies sort of unpleasant...we both jump...and then try again....and then jump again...

Oy...also, I can't stop doing the Electric Slide. Any help with either problem would be greatly appreciated.
Worth a shot..."c'mere bunny...gimme your paw....touch the kecyhain...good girl...."
*Leans in for a kiss*


Conducive things to get rid of the zap don't work on this bunny....
Water will discharge it. Just wet your hands and run them over her damp. I have to do that with the cats during the winter if the air gets too dry.
Good call, Brandy. No zaps this time. Now I just have to keep a spray bottle to spritz my hands before every time we snuggle.
Yes, static electricity is caused by low humidity, so raising the humidity stops the static. Getting a misting humidifier will solve the problem, as will turning on a shower several times a day, just for the moisture it creates.
Sorry, I originally thought the metal would transfer the charge! All those episodes of Bill Nye the Science Guy when I was a kid.

My grandmother used to leave a small bowl of water by the vents to increase the humidity in the house during the winter. Not sure if that will work since it's spring now.
"Science RULES!"

Weird that it just started in the past two days. No change in weather...still Texas-sucky.

Might have something to do with all the blanket snuggling she's been doing.

*Spritzes hands and goes to pet bunny*

Thanks, y'all.
By the way, the electric slide has been stuck in my head since yesterday! It is all your fault :p

To pay for the torture you must send QTip to me immediately
Absolutely not...because it's been stuck in mine too...I'd send you a ball of fluff from the (still) shedding puffleball...
LOL that's ok, I have more than enough hair here. I am still trying to find someone that can spin Houdini's wool so I have bags of angora on top of all the fur I throw away.

I guess I will settle for you giving Q an extra kiss from me :)