Sherman's First Social Outing: Bunnyfest 2004

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
, Georgia, USA
Hi, everybody! I'm running justa tad late, but I wanted to post and ask you to keep your fingerscrossed for us.

His Majesty has an engagement marked on his social calendartoday. The local House Rabbit Society is holding its veryfirst Bunnyfest! There'll be other bunny parents there withtheir bunnies. He'll get a chance to see his foster mother,his birth mother and brother, and make new friends.

They have a ton of contests, events,and informationalmini-seminarsplanned. There'll be food for both the"parents" and the bunnies! It should be a blast.

Will update you on the details (along with pics) when we get home! :)

P.S. I think he knows that he's going out todaybecause he's already running wild around here!!!bol!
Well, everyone, the affair was a reallynice event. It was well organized and we met tons of verysweet "bunny people". There were more buns there than I couldcount, and we got the opportunity to see many breeds that we've onlyread about.

Food was everywhere. There were all types ofspecialty bun items to purchase. They held a silent auction,and there were pens all around the yard for people to "rest" their bunsin.

Now .... I'll be happy to post a few pictures later, but ...ahem ... His Majesty decided that all of the fun and festivities weresimply belowhim. A female bun tried to sniff him and for some reason they didn't getalong; they tried to "scrap" through the fence. A couple ofother buns tried to make friends with him, and he only sniffed theirnoses and laid back.

The piece de resistance is that he slept throughout 99% of theactivities and we couldn'twake himup. Weentered him in different competitions ... and he barely opened hiseyes. People were trying to pet him, bunnies tried to make friends withhim,he was given treats galore, and he justlaythere like, "Whatever ... I'm trying to sleep.When are we going home, mommy?" After we got home iswhen he perkedup.

They had BAGS of treats galorethere for thebunnies: Dandelion greens, kale, willow, spinach, timothyhay, alfalfa hay, oh, I just can't name it all! ... But His Majestysimply was not moved.

Well, in any regard, my husband and I had a good time.

Long liveThePrince.
aw, I'm sorry Sherman thought he was too good tohave fun with the other buns. He truly is THE KING! Lol. I think I'mgonna shut down my computer, I'm pretty sure that's a funnelcloud floatin in the sky...eep!! It's like..BLACK out....and its notnight time....I'm glad you and your hubby had a great time!!! :)
How dare you expose the royal one to a bunch oflowly rabbits. He is really something isn't he. I bet he even lookeddown he sweet little wiggly nose at the others
MBML, my husband kept saying that he couldn't believe that Sherman was being so stuck up!

JessicaRabbit, I'm laughing out loud! You tickle mesobad!!!

Bunty! Bunty, you're joking, but he waslooking down his nose at the otherbunnies!!!


You just don't GET it, Do You?

You treat him like an Animal!

Let's parade you around others and see how You like it.

* * * * * * * *

G'Boy Sherman! I don't blame you. It was The Highest Insult and I understand.

dajeti2 wrote:
Poor Sherman. Expected to mingle with the commoners. We feel your pain little man.


Thank You, Tina. SherMAN needs all the support he can get.

Poor Fella! :?

And what JessicaRabbit and Bunty said Too!

Where is Tucker when I need him?

LOL Tucker has probably been hidingout in a spareroom-racking up Carolyn's long-distance phone bills teachingSherman the waaaaaaaays of "Princely behavior 101"

hehe, that sounds like a Hoot BM ! Well, for your husband anyhow :p

BOY only been gone for the weekend or so, and I have to order a few zillion coffee's to get caught up here!

!SIDENOTE! and sorry tiss a little late..........

I had a horrible day on Thursday, had my morn ritual all laidout-coffee ready, girls bounding around like it was their first timeevah outta the cage when all of a apartment startedreverberating-THEY were jackhammering RIGHT BELOW me at 9am! Poor Jadealmost had a heart attack (she is a little skittish) hauled both cagesinto the bedroom, calmed them down, and the added bonus is the bedroomis usually off limits so that kept them distracted from the noise. Thenight didnot prove to be anymore fortuitous so with a heavyheart-off I went to bed...


AUNTIE CAROLYN strikes again~I was so happy leaving the apt Fri morn,rushing out and what do I see? I actually saved it for the pm. Rodehome in the pouring rain, planning a really festive night of openingthis package-made some gingerbread tea-as I was getting it from thekitchen I hear RIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPP-JEZEBEL started ripping thepackage open herself! What a stinker! SHE KNEW it was for them (reallyreally odd) once it was opened they just sat there with the BIG EYES:shock:"what is it MOM, what is it??" HOLY, it wasalmostcreepy!
THANK you so much xoxo with much love

Jezebel and Jade (they have claimed ya as Auntie!!)



xoxoxoxoxoxoxo J & J!!!

Who loves ya baby?!

Auntie Carolyn Does!!!

Poor Sherman. Forced to be outside like normalbuns. He is supposed to force you what he wants to do, not the otherway around. lol

Sounds like you had a great time though. I wish Flopsy and I could have been there.

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