Shedding So Bad!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I know a few members have had bunnies shedding horrible but I'm wondering just how many are shedding worse than normal. My bunnies are all blowing their coats like nuts right now. I've brushed Mocha every day just to control the hair so his is not so bad. But I brought Spice in to clip his nails and this is all the hair I got off of him after 10 minutes! I was not using a slicker brush, I was actually using an eyebrow brush which is tiny!


(The brush next to him is what I used.)

I was brushing his butt and saw this pink patch, I freaked out thinking he wsa bleeding but it turned out he has an almost bald patch on his butt. The only hairs still growing in the patch are the guard hairs since he's shedding his undercoat.

I'm not sure why they are all shedding so bad this year! It's unbearable at time with my allergies. How many others have noticed an increase in the amount of shedding this year?
Yes they normally molt at this time of year but it's never been this bad in the last 3 years I've had them. I've never had them shed so bad that they had bald spots nor have I ever been able to get so much hair off of one of them in 10 minutes.
***raises hand!!!***

...alll 8 of 'em. Bunnie fur up the nose most of the time!

Seems like it's almost over with mine. No heavy molts...but SHEDING GALORE :shock:!!!
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
normally molt at this time of year
Nothing is happening with Pebbles yet.

But she does sit in a cool air conditioned home, and I haven't let her outside during the hot days of summer.

Rainbows! ;)
oh my goodness!! i had NO idea that it was possible for bunnies to shed like that. i have had shedding before but no where near like your buns! is this something i should expect with my lop mix, and holland lop? i dont remember Ryo shedding that bad last year, but i didnt have to take her outside and brush her.
Ugh! Dodge was like this a few weeks back, she was shedding so much that her hutch was coated in fur and it was blowing all over the back lawn. I had to comb her twice a day. Around her bum she has a ruff of fur, I combed out of that one part about as much as you have in your pile there.
Mine are outside but I suffer from allergies so it's horrible. Even with allergy meds, I still sneeze like crazy. So this shedding is really bad right now, but oh well! I hope it will be over soon.

I know a change in diet can do it but only Mocha and Zoey's diet has changed, not Spice's. I'm just assuming its the fact that we are supposed to have a really hot summer.

This is the worst shed so far, LOL, they all look so funny with really short and bald patches.
Hahaha, yep! Dodge has those silly patches too now, looks like I took to her with a par of scissors. I too get major allergies from her fur, it's the worst in summer with the pollen and all.
I'm not paying $15 for a brush. And getting the hair off isn't the problem, I have a zillion different brushes. I just don't want to make them any more bald than they already are!
Pernod is shedding a lot more this year than the past 3 years. I can't believe how much is coming off her when I groom her - and she has had a couple of bald patches too.

Perry is no different than any other year, yet they do/eat the same things :dunno:

A chunk of fur fell off of Gretchen's nose the other day. I found it next to her cage. She is part rex, so I guess she's shedding in chunks.
Just as we talk about it ..... Pebbles starts to shed. :disgust:
Time to bring out the Zoom Groom Brush and vacuum cleaner. :sweep

Rainbows! ;)
Yeah, Dill and Sherry haveboth been blowing their coats, and Pipp is shedding a LOT, and she just went through a molt. Radar looks like a scarecrow, but I thought that was just Darry plucking the poor guy like a chicken, somethingshe tendsto do, but now I'm not so sure.

Not sure what's up with Spice'sbald patches, it looks like Peapoo's Petey's problem as well. Dill has these big baldish patches, he looks a fright. But they're not quite bald like that, there's a tiny growth of new hair (I assume) underneath.

And yes, I thought a couple weeks ago there were more molt/shed problems around here than usual.

sas :?and thefurless five :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

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