She wants OUT!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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Bullhead City, Arizona, USA
I am going nuts and starting to worry my bun is gonna get out!

She is about 4months old. I've had her since December 23rd. The first day I got her she was panicked and escaped the cage *there was NO loud noises or dogs or anything and her older siblings were calm* We caught her and fixed the spot and then went and fixed EVERY spot that she could have escaped from. So she spent two days in a smaller cage, then she went back into this cage and she has been trying NON STOP to get out of it! She has been running and jumping trying to make it over the top of the two grids. *She can only make it just barely over one on to the shelf* but she is constantly doing this, then she is chewing the bars, and standing up near the wall and trying to dig out of the cage *in several areas* and she is just going crazy.

*These pictures are a lil bare, but there are toys and igloos and things like that in there now.* Also the Cardboard is ONLY until I can et some Chloroplast and the shelf with just cardboard DOES have a cover on it. But they had pulled it off, it is now secured.




Essentially It is a 4x2 melted with a 5x2 grid NIC cage.

The door is open just so you know. and the cage below is the boys cage.
Her brothers below are calm, her sister with her is calm. She is Spazmatic!

here is a picture of her:


And yes she did have her out of the cage time today too. O_O

HELP PLEASE! *she is the most spazzy bunny I have had*
Does she seem panicky or is she just wanting to get out?
Dolla used to ALWAYS get out! That's how she got the nick name Dolla Houdini! If there was a way out, she'd find it. She cleared 3 feet no problem, climbed the wire storage cubes one time, chewed off a zip tie and pushed a way out, she is sneaky and determined!
Heh she seems like she is being a pain in the butt!

Sometimes she looks like she is panicking looking super alert and everything. But for the most part she is just wanting out. You could just see her plotting things out in her head.

She FINALLY passed out! Gordy *I soooooo didn't name her* was running around being spazzy trying to leap and dig her way out then found a bunched up blanket and laid down and is now sleeping. *THANK GOODNESS!*
She's very cute as are her brorthers and sisters. Honestly I would probably keep her in the smaller cage if she keeps this up. She may end up hurting herself.

The holes in your panels arequite big too, i'd be afraid she will try and get through them and get stuck and really hurt herself. Is your cage zip tied too? or are you just keeping it together with those round connectors? They really aren't that sturdy. I would also put a roof on the cage so she can't get out from the top or put the females on the bottom.

Does she have lots of toys to play with? Not much help really just a few ideas.

Rattiemattiesrattery wrote:
*These pictures are a lil bare, but there are toys and igloos and things like that in there now.*
Also if you look at the picture that shows her you can see there is .5x.5 wire over the larger squares.

All the other squares she has tried to get through *the smaller ones* and she can't get past her eyes through them.

Again if you look at the pics you can see some of the Zip ties, *the ones I forgot to cut and the ones I did* This cage just about holds my weight when I use it to stand up. and I am well over weight above 200lbs.

She has been trying all day to jump the grids and has only made it to the shelf that is 1 grid high, and she barely makes that.

In the smaller cage she just sits there and chews on the bars. Non stop except to eat a few pellets and hay and greens.
My rabbits only chew on their bars, no jumping, but they enjoy it and I find it annoying. I discovered that if I tear a chunk out of their phone book, roll it up, bend it into a U and then stick the two ends through squares in the cage near the floor, they tear and dig at that instead of the bars. It's better for them and the cage. That might help your little girl a bit.
Could be hormones kicking in. I notice that when I get an unneutered/unspayed bun they always want to get out. Elby my new bun escaped twice already. He is not neutered. Will be soon.
Ha ha, that sounds so much like Sox who is not neutred and approx 7 months of age.

When Sox first arrived she managed to escape between the gaps of her play pen and went into the corner of the room behind the couch. Since that day, she seems to recall that corner and every opportunity she gets when I let her out of the play pen, she goes for that corner, don't know why. And if I don't let her out of her playpen man she has that look in her eye that says 'I will get ya back'! She will grab the bars with her teeth and shake the whole play pen, up and down and sideways and it creates a heck of a noise so much so that I can't hear the tv! And when I tell her to stop it she will run away and immediate return to do it again! She sure knows how to annoy me! :) Occasionally she will shake it so hard that it creates an opening at the door and then she ecapes! :shock::runningrabbit:

When she's in her hutch and I come home, she will come to the front of the hutch and beg to be let out! She will stick her nose in between the bars for a scratch on her nose/head. Then she stands up and begs to be let out as she knows that the hutch opens from the top. As she is so smart and has such a good memory, I'm too scared to even use the side door in her presence as the door is only locked by a wood latch and once she knows this, her shaking of the hutch would open the door! ::shock2:

I didn't realise rabbits are so stubborn and have such good memory. Yes SHE WANTS OUT all the time I guess only cos she knows the difference, they are pretty smart animals! :highfive:

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