She is eating some cardboard?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
I gave her a piece of cardboard and now she is inthere ripping it apart and eating a little bit of it? Is thisok or should I take her new favorite toy away from her?
i'm sure everyone will have a differentopinion..but as long as she's not eating a ton of it i think she's ok..both of mine munch cardboard and any sort of paper they canfind.. they rip most of it, but eat bits here and there..(despite all the hay and other food they have..grumbleboogersgrumble..)

if they eat toooo much they risk a blockage so i'd keep an eye on her just to see how much interest she has in it ;)
Hi Hummer,

I give my rabbits cardboard to munch on and they love it. AsSpiced said, just be careful she doesn't eat too much of it.My rabbits enjoy it for a few minutes and then move on.

I think cardboard is a good way to keep them awayfrom other things to chew on, such as chair legs or the coffee table orsomething. Mine loooove their card board, they mostly rip it in shredsand toss it around. Valuran and I actually play tug of war withcardboard. He loves it.
Bo loves his cardboard! This morning Ihad an empty kleenex box. The skinny tall ones ..... I tookthe top off so there is no plastic on it and.... OMG! it was flyingacross the room he had it on his head (that was hilarious but didn'tlast long!) and he ended up doing a binky over it. I think helikes his new toy!

Yes, he eats bits and he's fine.
lol Bo!! have you given him a fullkleenex box??? it's hilarious to watch them pull kleenex after kleenexout lol.. or maybe i'm easily amused hehe
Oh yes, he's had one, but I didn't give it to him! :X

It's amazing how one little bunny can have 30 kleenex around a room in less than 5 minutes! :shock:

Chernish made the windows in his digging box into doors by ripping the cardboard. Now he can jump into any window he wants.
Careful with the tissue type paper (like Kleenex)as it can apparently cause a blockage a lot easier than cardboard. Everget tissue wet :shock:? Now wad it up and let it dry :shock::shock:!

Cardboard, toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, etc., are the"binkie" as far as my buns are concerned. They chew, rip, shred, butingest very little.

I made the mistake of setting down the roll of paper towels too closeto Chippy's cage last night.... in about 2 minutes she had pulled about30 towels into her cage. So many towels I could hardly see the bunnie!!And then it was tug-o -war to get them all back.

:~) Jim
we try not to let them have tissue too Bo said.. big mess!!! ;) however..the little buggersalso try to dig them out of the wastebaskets now and then:shock: ew ew ew.
JimD wrote:
Cardboard, toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, etc., are the"binkie" as far as my buns are concerned. They chew, rip, shred, butingest very little.

Here is Pebbles blinking over lager tubes. You cansee the upside down box with doors cut out.....logrolls....ball........telephone book...... and her litter box in theback.

Rainbows! :)

Bo doesn't get kleenex to eat. I had to get it away from him! :X

He had it all over the place as you say with the papertowels.I had to look for the bunny under them! I thought the dog had done itcause she does the same thing.... she tries to get them and eat them..... and she does the wastebasket thing too! :Xand ew ew Iagree!

Pebbles is adorable :)

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