She doesn't like me very much.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Babii isn't a people person. She's miserable about anyone and everyone.
She didn't mind me for a while. It was more like 'get what you need.. and get out of my cage' where she'd 'tolerate me'.

Now it's gotten to the point where I have to be careful about getting in her cage or she'll charge.
I've resorted to putting my hand in the side door, petting her before taking anything (food bowls, mostly) giving her a treat to distract her..and many other things.
It's sad to say when I take her out, she's scratching at my legs if she's on my lap, and biting me for no reason.

Can I say, it's just old age? :twitch:

She's a very dominant bun, she'll tear fur out of Sparkys tail if he gets to close, or moves the wrong way (he's terrified of her, now)

I even tried to bond her once, to see if what she needed was a companion... she sat on the poor guys head as if trying to suffocate him (she was a bit bigger then him..but not much) then flipped the litter box over him so he was trapped under.
I had to rehome him, :(
Is she spayed?

Plenty of buns are cage aggressive - how is she outside of the cage if you don't try to put her on her lap? Can you sit on the ground and have her come up to you, or does she still bite you?

I still think getting a friend might be a good thing for her - maybe the last guy you had just wasn't to her taste. Did you try bunny dating?
Brandy, I don't know much about Babii but I get the feeling you've had her for a while? How old is she?

Laura gave you ideas about a cage aggressive bunnies. I just wanted to put out there that, there are just some bunnies who are a little... well... nasty. They could be fine one minute if you're pleasing them right, and then turn around and give you a really nasty nip. Even the most trained and patient rabbit owners just have to accept that their bunny happens to be a Grumpy McGrumps.

We've had a few aggressive bunnies who have had very successful bunny dates, and then a few days later, they are returned because the aggression comes back out and the other bun can't take it. Bunny dates can give you a leg up, but it won't be a guarantee that the two buns will make it to the end of the race. Not to say that you shouldn't try if you feel you are up for it, but it's not a perfect system.

Give us some more info on her behavior, maybe some examples of what she does. Maybe we can help get some insight on what's going on in her bunny head.
True, Helen, some bunnies just don't like having a friend and it's difficult to find the right bunny to put up with their personality. I've seen the shelter go through many boy buns trying to please one particular girl who is a bit nasty. She keeps turning them all away!

Brandy, we'd love some more information to give you tips. There might be simple behavioral techniques you can use, but I need more details to know if they would help your situation or not.
She's not spayed, actually. Mum doesn't believe in all that hocus pocus with bunnies.
She has never been on a 'date' and I wouldn't trust her on one, either.. she'd actually chase who/whatever else was in the the room.
Outside her cage, she wont come near me, she stays quite a distance from me. She is like, super destructive so I can't let her out in the places i'd like to. (Living room, bedroom) because she'll ruin the new furniture. So when I do dare to take her out, I put her in the washroom. But when I go to take her out, she hides behind the toilette and bites me if I try to get her out.
I swear, if I were an insider i'd think she was abused, or neglected but shes not! Shes like.. an equivalent to a 'spoiled brat' (you know.. those kids that are like..crazy)

She's 5, and i've had her since she was 6 weeks. She was pretty bad when I first got her, but it just seems to have gotten worse.
Unfortunately her behavior is extremely typical of an unspayed bunny. It's also highly unlikely that she'll ever get along with a bunny friend since she isn't spayed.

Honestly, I don't know what to recommend as all of these behaviors are hormonal induced and I don't think that you're going to be able to change any of these things without getting her spayed.
I talked to a vet about getting her spayed, even if I had to 'waste my money' as my mom says.
He said because of her age, he didn't recommend it. Also because she's very panicky it may cause a lot of stress.
I don't think there is an upper limit to neuter, but spay surgery is more invasive, recovery is a bit more trying, depending on how it is done. He could be right about a 6 year old bunny, but I don't know for sure.

Honestly, I've heard about 3 girl buns at the shelter recently... all spayed for several weeks (one for 2 years already), and all still fairly nippy and cage protective. Spaying might not necessarily help, so to some degree your mom is sorta right.

Given that your options are limited, and you've already more or less figured out how to read her and handle her somewhat safely, I am not too sure what else you can do to eliminate the behavior:(

I understand she is spoiled, as every bun should be ;) But... have you ever tried to ignore her? Beat her at her own game? Have you ever just "had it" and drawn a line with her, like say "if you do this to me, I will close the door and walk away". Or, has she ever had any negative reinforcement... if she tries to bite you or she DOES bite you in the washroom, you immediately put her back in her cage... or something like that. She needs to somehow understand that she can't always have her way. Animals understand that to some degree, I believe. Through repetition, they can be taught that there's only so much tolerance their human will have for their antics, and once they cross the line, they won't get something that the want.
Even if the vet would spay her, Helen's right that it may not change her behavior. At this point it's a very old habit, so even without the hormones she would probably keep it up.
When she does do something bad, i usually point my finger and say sternly 'Bad Babii!' and she ends up thumping for a good while. So I think she understands she's getting in ****, but to be honest, I don't think she cares.

I've got a rebel on my hands ;)

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