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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
, , USA
Is it normal for Romeo to flop down and thenstart shaking or vibrating? I know he isn't sleeping because it happensjust a split second after he lies down and the only reason I'mconcerned is because I overheard a lady talking with someone else atthe SPCA today and apparently it was a concern to her because her bunnydoes it. I never stayed long enough to hear the reply though. :ponder:
Like a little shudder?

Could it be this? (From Language of the Lagomorphs)

Shiver Me Timbers!
A simple rabbit expression of happiness is the "shudder." The rabbitwill lift its front legs up a bit, and shiver the skin of its chest andback by twisting rapidly. Sometimes its head and ears will twist alittle too. A rabbit shudders to tell you that it is happy, hopefullywith you and in general. You can think of it as a glad pat on the backfor a job well done.
There does seem to be one common exception to the shudder as anendorsement of your charms. Rabbits that don't like being held orconfined may give a shudder when released, presumably because they'rerelieved to be free of their confinement. An easy way to recognize thisversion is that it's often accompanied by partingfoot-flicksas the rabbit hops off.
Although our skin isn't loose enough to do a proper shudder, you can doa passable version if you are wearing a dress or long bathrobe. A quicktwist of your body back and forth once or twice will make a clearstatement, and is certainly a polite response to being shuddered at. Oryou might prefer to respond with an even happier "head-flick" asdescribed in the next section.

Or. if it seems like it might be something more serious, check out theRORC on Seizures... with a note that overheating can also causeshaking.

Let us know how he is!

sas et al

If the rabbit is running around, or is a little hot, this can be a normal response as the rabbit is breathing faster.

pamnock wrote:
Ifthe rabbit is running around, or is a little hot, this can be a normalresponse as the rabbit is breathing faster.

Doesn't sound like the Shiver Me Timbers expression but itismost likely because he has been running around. I've noticed he doesthis during the flops when he's tired of running around the place. Heis very healthy otherwise. Thanks!