Shadow and Fred

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
so i decided to start a new blog for fred and shadow.:happybunny:

well, you guys haven't seen fred yet, except for his halloween pics right? well here he is!!!

and another

hi momie!!

heres my girl shadow also


how bootiful

(my bro in the background)

yea so here is the starter, hope ya enjoy!
today i took the kids outside w/ my bro. they were just happy to eat the grass, fred was pretty much stuffing his face! haha

momie just let me eat in peace!


its funny, when shadow is walking through the grass, she tends to walk like a cat stalking its prey!

sitting pretty


fred stuffing his face


and finally a pic of them together!


when we were outside my bro had to run w/ shadow as she wanted to run around a bit, it was funny watching him follow her!

BUT..a lady was driving by and was all 'oh was that your bunny running around?' and my bro is like yea this is my bun... i guess there is a domesicated bun running around our sub and the lady thought it might be ours. i ALWAYS watch them outside, and this is their second time out. poor bun, all alone on the streets!

Cool! I was looking around for pictures of that little pumpkin (pun intended!).

Your Shadow looks JUST like an adult version of my Oliver. SO cute!! Both of them are cutie pies.

I wish could get a really good pic of shadow so you guys could see her coloring, she has this cool redish hair where the grey stops, it is sooo pretty!

so had them with me while i was watching tv today. fred as normal was just chilling while shadow was doing everything BUT. lol, she LOVES to chew on my clothing, you have no idea how many shirts i have with holes in it!

after shadow jumped off the couch to invesitgate and get away, i layed down. then, fred climbs on my head. his nails are still pretty sharp even though i tried to clip them, so hard his nails are tiny and the ends so close to the quick! ANYWAYS his foot got by mo nose and his nail scratched my nostril. no joke. it hurt. lol

fred is such a goof.:biggrin2:
hello, my name is fred, and i am a crasin addict.

so yesterday my dad went downstairs to check on the bun and fred escaped. he was sitting on top of hte box i hold thier litter in and was attacking the bag of crasins. seriously, it was a zip top and now you can't zip it. it made me laugh. :biggrin2:

i guess i should cut back on the crasins...

i just went downstairs to check up on the kids and it was sooo cute!!

they are both laying in shadow's box ( a square litterbox with an old t shirt in it) fred is practically asleep and shadow is grooming him and is watching over him.

sooo adorable!:inlove::bunnyhug:
there is a new sense of chaos in the house as the bunnies discovered the stairs.

they live in my basement and we let them roam around alot when we are down there watching tv. my mom went down to let them out. she went up stairs and they saw her. i was like, and then they followed you, right? and she said the feigned ignorance THEN ran up the stairs.

it was an interesting morining to say the least.

then, my mom called me as i was grooming shadow so i went up stairs with her, but fred was still in the enclosure. as i was going back down stairs, i look by the stairs and see fred has made his way up stairs. He escaped then ran to the stairs and then up them. as i speak, he is sitting under a chair across the room.

silly bunnies:foreheadsmack:
ok, fred has been a bad bunny.:grumpy:

he jumps out of his enclosure and runs up the stairs, then stairs again and goes to lay on my bed in my bedroom. at first it was cute. now it is annoying.

we tried putting a baby gate at the base of the stairs but when i came home it was knocked over.

he was in my room, he had pooped all over my bed, knocked over EVERYTHING on my nightstand (lamp, cd player, cd holder, etc.) he was then UNDER my bed.

i think he heard me yelling and tried to hide.

shadow is the good girl and just stays put

NO clue what to do , if you have suggestions i welcome them!
New pics!!


this is my fav pic of fred, he was chinning my math book. looks like he has sympathy for me!!








phew! enjoy!
Ummmm, you do know that rabbits "multiply" well!! He was just trying to help you with that math. What a good baby!
phew! haven't updated this in a while but i got some new pics!!

fred and shadow are doing GREAT. they have been getting closer and closer. now you never seem to find them apart! fred is still a lazy bun, whenever you go to their pen he is ALWAYS stretched out to the max. I can't believe how BIG fred has gotten. i know he's growing up, but MAN! he has one big butt!!he loves food, and digs at his pellet bowl to get it closer to him. *sigh*

and without further ado, pics!


it was such a nice day out today, so i built the kids a pen and took them outside. we had to stay on the driveway, as the ground is still covered with snow!


they HATED it outside. all the noises, espically the cars driving by FREAKED them out. i havenever seen fred act the way he did. we only stayed out for about ten minutes.

here are some st. patties day photo shoot pics!


hmm, thought i uploaded more...well i guess you will just get the one for now...
the weather today was GREAT! so nice and warm, spring is finally here! my bro and i decided to take fred and shadow outside, and they enjoyed it. here are some pics, and video's are commin.


Shadow makin herself pretty!


The princess


eatin some grass




my baby!


groomin time


love buns!!
Wow, your two look so well behaved on their leashes. Do they enjoy their outside time?

I gave up on leashes after Wildfire had a freak out the first time I put one on her. I just use pens now. But my very first rabbit used to explore on a leash with me.

i think they enjoy their time outside. they eat grass, run a bit, but are always grooming! guess they don't want to get dirty!

They kinda put up a fuss when i put the leash over their head, but thats the only time. fred shakes when he first gets it on, trying to get it offbut then he gets used to it and is ok
Great pics! So nice to be able to take them outside again, isn't it? I took Snuff out last weekend, he just sat in the pen most of the time like a bump on a log:p.

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