Sex Bowser: is he a lady?

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proxima centauri

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2005
Reaction score
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

I've been wondering... because I checked her sex and I'm "worried" he'sreally female and the pet store didn't properly sex the bunny.

Trick is, Marvin's REALLY is a boy, and I'm starting to believe that he might have impregnated Bowser...

Bowser has been bloated lately, and I can feel little "marbles" near the thorax and spine...

Can you check whether Bowser is a lady?

here's a pic of Bowser's rear end:

and here's Bowser standing up: :)
Looks to me you've got a doe. Youwould see testicles next to the privates if it were a male.Also, Bowser doesn't have "outdoor plumbing". Definitely agirl!
your rabbit is definitely a girl rabbit. i havetwo male rabbits. i think i should know the difference between a maleand a female rabbit. i have past expereince.
proxima centauri wrote:

Bowser has been bloated lately, and I can feel little "marbles" near the thorax and spine...

That sounds like babies, young or not....might want to be prepared inany case. Any ideaof the earliest date they were together?

Good luck!

If she is pregnant, thats not good. She is tooyoung...and too small. She could die during birth. I hope she is notpregnant. Please seperate them. I will be praying that shes notpregnant. It makes me sooo mad when petstores dont sex rabbitsright!:mad:
I think you should keep their names. They won'tknow the difference. And you might wanna get Bowser looked at to findout if there's something going on in her tummy while you're there.
Oh, my!

You need to get Bowser checked out. If she's not pregnant,something is still not right. How long have you hadher? Less than a month?


Ok, I'm honestly not laughing at you, I'mlaughing at the situation. I've known other people to havethat situation. In fact, last week when I was house sittingfor my brother, I was sitting talking to his girlfriend before theyleft and their kitten jumped on the table in front of me and put "her"behind right in front of me. I asked Vicki ifshe'd been to the vet yet, and she said no because they just got"her". Well, the kitten is a boy!!

You need to have Bowser checked by a vet to see what those "marbles" are.

Well, I have yet to see bunny balls... :p

I kind of figured out they didn't sex Bowser right, but since Marvin'srear was more developped, I thought it was a male apparel... guess not!:)
when i got my first bunny, the store said shewas a boy, so i named him Rupert. A week later i found he was a girl,so now i just call her Rue. 3 months ago i got a baby from anotherstore and they told me that you can't tell the sex until they get a bitolder. i had begun to notice some "extra fur" down there, so i named mynew baby boy Kweli. After looking around the foruma bit, andgetting some not only great, but very friendly advice, i decided to getmy boy neutered. However, later that day, I noticed Kweli had nipples!Which makes him a girl right?

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