Settling In....

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Corky's Cave, , USA
I think its safe to say she's settling in...weare now chinning everything in site..(even the air register).and havedecided we are too good for the playpen....behind the couch and underthe lizard cage is now hers....she's kickin back as if she owns theplace!!! Shes real well litter trained so I'm not overlyconcerned about her hangin out there when we are home....shesinvestigating a plant there...but all I have to do is tell her no andshe stops....Then she sits and looks at me all innocent like..Shes ariot...not nearly as active as the boys...but its kinda refreshing tohave her a lil more kicked back... ;) When she cameback out from behind the couch and I'd reach down..she'd run back thereagain and peek out...I think its now a game!

She's alot of fun and I'm SOOO happy we adopted her!
What a little doll, the way she's playing you!That's adorable, PuterGeekGirl. I'm so happy for you, her, and the restof the crew. She's certainly happy to be home.


Any new pictures??

I'll try to get some pictures in the next day ortwo..right now she's tired and I don't wanna bother her too much...I'mVERY impressed with her litter abilities...I was just holding her andshe kept leanin over lookin at the litter box in the playpen...I puther in there and she went right in and peed. I can only hopesome day the boys will be that diligent about it!!

After chatting with Tiny's mom and some others last nite I triedputting Vanilla in her water and she drank 1/2 a bottle since lastnite! She hadn't drank that much combined since she'd gotten here!

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