Just wondering roughly how long it takes for anew rabbit 2 settle in, i realise it does differ but how long do younormally give your rabbits before you say they are settled in
I would say it depends on how much time youspend with them. I was on vacation when we got Wesley, and it took himabouta week to get used to us. It then took him another 2weeks to get used to our existing rabbit, Jordi.
Two weeks before I could even touch Fey orSprite. In a way, they're still settling in and it's beenmonths. Loki seemed to be settled in the first few weeks, buthe really blossomed after another month or two. Mocha wasthrilled with her new home from day one. It depends on therabbit, their personality, and what they have experienced before.
I think it takes less time to settle in than you really think it does.
When I first brought Pebbles home, she was justspayed and had given birth to a stillborn. She wasvery nervous in the new environment, all the newsights and sounds, and her new cage. She was evennervous about being picked up.
I kept things simple. She stayed in her cage most of the timeuntil she felt secure in there. I kept the same foods thatshe was eating before we got her. Ifollowed a routine, like when to feed her, when topet her and when to let her out. I tried not toover whelm her with loud noise and how big the housewas. We spent alot of time with her onthe floor and petting her.
I guess she was settled in 5 days, when she started using the litter box regularly.
It took Devon about a week or so, but his momAmber took almost a month. Naturestee is right, it has alot to do withtheir previous life. Amber was surrendered to the shelter, so we canonly guess as to her life before then. It was quite possibly a poorhome. Devon, on the other hand, was born in the foster home. The factthat he has never known a bad home could be why he acclimated soquickly.
Tootsie is a rescue from a shelter and it seemedlike she settled in overnight. Tootsie is about 1 year old and wasbrought into the shelter by her owner who was moving and could not takeToostie with her. I'm not sure how long she was in the shelter.
MooShu is also a rescue from the same shelter. She was just a baby whenwe got her and we've had her almost 2 years. She is still very timidand skittish.
Her owner had passed away and MooShu was brought into the shelter withher mommie and siblings (we brought her mommie, S'more,hometoo ). MooShu was in the shelter for about a month.