Serious Kit Advice needed

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Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Findlay, Illinois, USA
[align=center]Okay, i posted not to long agoabout my bunnies. I have a litter of 2 and a half week oldbunnies. The last few days when i have went out there...theyhave been out of their cage. They keep acting like theywant to nurse, and the mother won't let them. Is it okay ifwe give them a shallow container with water in it? i knowwith some baby animals they get sick if they drink actual water beforeso many days/weeks old. Thanks for the advice ahead oftime![/align]
SHe is probably letting them nurse when no oneis around. Id say a water bottle too. Dont want them dumping a bowl andgetting all wet

Also, don't bunnies only nurse something like 5minutes a day? It's very possible that you're seeing the kitsto attempt to nurse when it's not dinner time.
At that age they are readyto start eating and drinking. I would put a non spillable water crock in with them.

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