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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Where has the time gone? August was so busy. I have been bunny sitting Shadow and Jester for Jan since the first of this month. :biggrin2:
With her two bunnies and my two, it was double the bunnies and double the pleasure. :bunnydance::bunnydance:


Shadow just kept eating hay, putting my Pebbles and Bebe to shame as they hardly touch their hay.


Jester rarely sat still in the basement run.
It's been rather hectic here too!

At work starting this week we are working 6 days a week, 10 hr days.What a fantastic time to have gallbladder problems! But with doctor appointments and leaving an hour early for college, I will only be putting in 54.5 hrs this week. Funness! Not to mention last week, they added a second shift that's putting in 10 1/2 hr days as well. :?

LOVE the picture of Jester with his legs crossed! ("Two step, anyone?") LOL!

Amanda, please take care of yourself.... I had gall bladder issues.... childbirthwas less painful!

The day (last week), Jan came to pick up her bunnies and met Pebbles and Bebe for the first time, I had to check and double check to make sure Pebbles and Bebe wasn't missing and if Jan hadn't bunnynapped them. ;)


Jan holding Pebbles and getting kisses from Pebbles.
After speaking to Jantoday,she was still hoping I would bring Bebe over to see Shadow, because those twowere a big hit and acted like two long time bonded bunnies. :love:


Yes that is Bebe. She probably lost a little weight, but she's shedding like crazy.


Here is Bebe with Luvabun's Shadow, and they got along just great. Not one nip from the two when they were together.
Cute pictures.

Life is hectic for me right now, school is stressful and applying for jobs is even more so, lol.

Today has been a tough day, not only is it the 2 months mark since Reese's passing, today would have also been her 6[suP]th[/suP] birthday. :(And in less than a month it will be a year since I lost Spice. So lets just say that its been really hard for me lately.

On top of that, I am getting sick and just feeling miserable, what joy.

On the bright side, I found some easy entertainment for the bunnies. They get to run in my yard still but they don't dig so I decided to get a big Rubbermaid container and fill it with dirt and the bunnies LOVE it. I haven't seen them enjoy something that much in a long time, so it brings a smile to my face everytime I think about it.
SOOOSKA wrote:
or will it be Jan who ends up with 3? LOL
Jan asked me about Bebelast Tuesday when I dropped off some fresh hay. :D
Maybe I will bring Bebe over to visit Shadow, so they can have some playtime together. :biggrin2:
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Life is hectic for me right now, school is stressful and applying for jobs is even more so, lol.
Hi Laura! It's nice for you to update us. We sure miss Reese and Spice too.

I saw my first Flemish! A local breeder bought a Flemish and a French Lop as pets, and I went over to see them. :) One of her prize Holland Lops just had babies too. They were so tiny and their eyes weren't opened yet.
Well it was such a nice day today and despite being bogged down with a cold, I put the bunnies out when I got back from school and took a few pictures.

(In case you wonder, they are enjoying containers of dirt to dig in.)







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