Well-Known Member
hi im making a hide out box for my bunny and need to fix down the lid what should i use wich wont hrm my bunny.
Plz help us thank u :dude:
Plz help us thank u :dude:
How very artistic Brindle is - Isn't that a portrait of a bunny?Here's Brindle's first masterpiece..
IMO.. cardbord is ok in moderation..unless the bun is devouring it, of course.
But it's for a bunnie....not a duck :?lol in answer to the actual question though... would duck tape b okay?
Here's Brindle's first masterpiece..
Thatis hillarious, Youcould sell that work of art oneBay! That is very very funny, thanks for sharing.
Hi Vanessa,JimD wrote:I just gave Cosmo a big cardboard hide out with a little window in theside. He's been making the window bigger, and as far as I cansee, is swallowing the pieces, cause there are none laying around thecage. I just wanna know how much cardboard is toomuch? He doesa little bit of remodeling, but its'not like it's been shred to pieces....however the chewing did wake meup this morning!IMO.. cardbord isok in moderation..unless the bun is devouring it, of course.
I'm just soooo worried!!