Seed tops

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
I'm perhaps a little weird, in that I like the "heels" or ends of loafs of bread. I also was never one of those kids who ate around the crusts.

Anyway, with that in mind, if I was a bunny, I would imagine I would love the hay seed tops. My rabbits generally leave those behind.

I actually would think the seed tops pack a good punch of different nutrients, too.

I really don't know if rabits like seed tops better:expressionless

Mine alway start at the other end and eat down towards the top
If I was a rabbit I, like you, would like the seed tops better also :)
hhmmmm well i could send you my loaf ends,lol, cause for somereas on we dont like them ,lol, and i am one to pull the crust off my bread,lol!!!!!!!!

my rabbits eat the hay tops and the stems,lol. i dont think they prefer the tops to the rest, i think the seed tops look like they would taste better ,lol
Tobi absolutely loves the seed tops better than any other part of the hay! She will snatch them out of my hands and chow down on them.

My other 3, though, don't even seem to notice that they're any different than the rest of the hay.
My bunnies like the seed tops best of all. They always eat all the seed tops off, then go back and start eating the rest of the hay. That is with oaten hay, which is the only type they get, with maybe a small amount of lucerne hay once a week.
Jester will not eat the seed tops, unless he is starving to death :rollseyes. So, being the good bunny slave that I am, I often cut them off for him :p

Shadow eats the whole thing from top to bottom, or vice-versa. Georgia seems to like the seed tops, and there are never any left in her box.


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