Retired Moderator
I work at a place right now as a team leader (or supervisor). We put stickers/bar code solar key chains that sell in air port stores, zoos, regular stores, etc. My job is okay....but I have only gotten a $1 raise in 2 years...and stickering things all day really isn't my dream job.
I like how I have flexible hours and can stay home any day I want to if I need a "me" day (like today) or if I am sick. I go to work between 8-8:30am and go home whenever I want to (usually around 3:30pm). This year hasn't been a good year, we are really slow this summer. I can only imagine this winter is really going to be bad....last year we did super awesome and everyone's hours still needed to get cut down to 25-30 hours per week during our slow season. During the busy season (spring/summer) last year I was getting over time, so that was really cool....but this summer we are scrounging for work, it seems like.
I want to look for a new job, but I am really scared. I have job security in my current job even though we are slow...but if I get a new job, there is no saying that I will stay hired. I like how in my current job I can take time off whenever I need it...like if one of my pets is sick I can take the day off to go to the vets, etc. I can even tell my boss that I'm leaving work to go shopping and she doesn't mind!
But...I think it is time that I try to get into a career. I really want to be a dog groomer and right now Petco is hiring for a full time (with benefits) dog grooming assistant. I worked at PetSmart 4 years ago for a few months in the salon, so I pretty much already know what I am doing (I still remember!!). Maybe this way (if I get hired) I can somehow work through them to get my dog grooming certificate. I still want to do online dog grooming school...but I don't have the $2k+ to do it right now.
Ryan and I really want to own our own business and we got hit with some tought facts yesterday....so we need to start saving money like crazy and look into a cheaper place to live (as in...not buying a house)
. I'm really upset over this....I really want to own our own house and the market is so low right now. We had someone helping us through the learning process of starting our own business and we thought that person was going to help us with money (which they easily could), but they decided that we should do it on our own. So, it was a kick in the face.
So...it is kind of crucial that I try to find a job where I can work 40 hours a week, so we can save more money. Ryan has already mentioned him finding a 2nd job and save all of the money from that.
I need encouragement :nerves1. Having panic/anxiety never helps me with things that I need to do in life! I get scared and tend to play it safe.
I like how I have flexible hours and can stay home any day I want to if I need a "me" day (like today) or if I am sick. I go to work between 8-8:30am and go home whenever I want to (usually around 3:30pm). This year hasn't been a good year, we are really slow this summer. I can only imagine this winter is really going to be bad....last year we did super awesome and everyone's hours still needed to get cut down to 25-30 hours per week during our slow season. During the busy season (spring/summer) last year I was getting over time, so that was really cool....but this summer we are scrounging for work, it seems like.
I want to look for a new job, but I am really scared. I have job security in my current job even though we are slow...but if I get a new job, there is no saying that I will stay hired. I like how in my current job I can take time off whenever I need it...like if one of my pets is sick I can take the day off to go to the vets, etc. I can even tell my boss that I'm leaving work to go shopping and she doesn't mind!
But...I think it is time that I try to get into a career. I really want to be a dog groomer and right now Petco is hiring for a full time (with benefits) dog grooming assistant. I worked at PetSmart 4 years ago for a few months in the salon, so I pretty much already know what I am doing (I still remember!!). Maybe this way (if I get hired) I can somehow work through them to get my dog grooming certificate. I still want to do online dog grooming school...but I don't have the $2k+ to do it right now.
Ryan and I really want to own our own business and we got hit with some tought facts yesterday....so we need to start saving money like crazy and look into a cheaper place to live (as in...not buying a house)
So...it is kind of crucial that I try to find a job where I can work 40 hours a week, so we can save more money. Ryan has already mentioned him finding a 2nd job and save all of the money from that.
I need encouragement :nerves1. Having panic/anxiety never helps me with things that I need to do in life! I get scared and tend to play it safe.