Figure out a food that it really likes and every time you walk past it's cage or enclosure, drop in a little bit of that food. It will start associating you with yummy things and soon will be right up front when it hears your footsteps.
That's one good step. Actual socializing will take time. The xpen with a book is a good idea. Basically you want to just spend some floor time, at least 30 minutes, every day with your new bun. Just talk to them quietly, have some food or treats nearby, try not to stare at them constantly. Set up right near their 'home base' area so they can hide or escape if they get scared.
My bunny is still very shy but warming up to myself and my husband. I also made a bunny play box out of a cardboard box where he can hide if he wants but doesn't want to go 'home' just yet.
Basically just keep rewarding the behavior you want and they will figure it out. That and have patience. I joke that I am now 'The Bunny Whisperer'.