Are there any scabs on his bottom or in his private areas? If not then I would lean towards mites or fleas. I would take him to the vet just to make sure. And I don't know if you take him to a rabbit savvy vet or not but if it does end up being fleas just make sure they don't give him frontline or anything like that. The only one that I know of that is safe is Revolution but let me double-check on that. I'm no vet or anything but the only things that I have heard of causing scabs are rabbit syphilis (but it doesn't sound like that if there are no scabs on the face or private areas), fleas, and mites. I could be missing something but these are the most common things that I have heard of (Even still I hardly ever hear of a case of rabbit syphilis) I don't want to scare you I am just trying to inform you. But definitely go to the vet.