say a prayer!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
i was off 4 2weeks with the flu. i came back... and was told a music exam.!

i asked the teacher.... she said it was my falt!

so really say a prayer 4 me 2 day. i have 2 play recorder infront of the whole class and an exam.......


im nervous. and im REALLY bad at recorder, and cant read notes......

so im going 2 fail:biggrin2:

but still, a miricle cound happen...........:?(doubtful)
Good luck. Wish i could help. I didn't learn recorder but I was a Band Geek for 7 years. But i can only read
, can't really read
as I didn't learn to play any of those instruments.

good luck!

I was a Choir Angel for all my school years....

sight reading was the worst!!!

just do your best and let the chips (or notes in this case) fall where they may!

(alto soprano for those wondering)

I hope you do well! :)I've never really played an instrument... In grade-school,I had to learn how to play the recorded. I knew the easier songs, but not the harder songs. And I didn't have to read the notes (I think...), and the teacher would do certain hand signals for each note. :p

But good luck!


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