Saved a kitty today....

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
A co-worker has been talking about her sisters kitten for the past month, every a negative way. This girl, let's call her "A", has pretty much proven herself to be a patholigical liar...there are a number of reasons why I won't go into detail here...but, basically...she pretty much fakes having ovarian cancer.

Anyway, she has talked nothing but negative towards her sister's kitten, and today I was SICK of it. I have heard that her sister just got it....then they raised it since birth, blah blah blah. Such a liar.

Her sister moved out of "A"'s apartment today and left the kitten. "A" said she was going to just tell her sister to come get this kitten because she doesn't like cats. Well, I have heard from "A" that her sister doesn't change litter boxes for weeks, doesn't play with the cats, and is hardly ever home. Her sister took her other cat, but carelessly left this kitten behind.

"A" was either going to through the kitten outside to fend for herself or she was going to beg for her sister to come back and get the kitten. Not good situations, at all.

Apparently the sister has another cat, as older male. I know this female kitten that I saved is not spayed...and I have no clue is the older male was neutered. That question struck me in the car on the way home, and I will have to ask "A" if he is neutered or not.

"A" said that this female kitten is 9 months old, but she is definitely more like 6 months old. I don't know when cats go into their first heat, but I hope this little girl isn't pregnant. Her tummy is kind of hard, but I don't really know. She is chubby in the tummy, but I really just can't tell.

I called JuJu and Zaide's foster mommy, who has all the pregnant cats and baby kittens for the local cat rescue, and asked her for her guidance. Pat (JuJu & Z's foster mom) said to call the local Humane Society and another local animal rescue group (UAF) to see about getting this kitten in for her shots, tests, and a spay. I have to call them tomorrow. If they won't help, which they should, then Pat said that she will collect the funds to get this done and I will foster the kitten until the big huge animal adoption event here in September (which I am fine with).

For now, the little girl, is being housed in the back no contact with my kitties. I checked her mouth for soars (like Pat said to do), and there were none. I see no fleas, she was kept as an inside kitten because "A" and her sister weren't allowed cats in the apartment complex.

Ugh. I'm pooped :(. I almost blew up on "A" for her carelessness, in the matter, too. I couldn't though, as I am her supervisor.

The kitten is safe and will find a loving home, for sure.
Good job of saving this kitty.I can imagine all the awful thngs that could have happened to her. Even at 6 months, it's possible, but not that common,for her to have been through a heat and to be pregnant. She could also have worms if she has never been treated. I hope you can get her seen to quickly. Good luck with a new home for her.
Thank you, seniorcats!

I am really not sure if she is 6 months old or not. It is a guess. She is definitely 6-7 months old. I really can't tell. My Zaide kitten is 4 months old and looks like around an 11 week old. I just can't tell a kitties age by looking at them.

Maybe I can post a picture of her with something to a know size, so you guys can guess her age?

I am calling the rescue group (UAF) and the HS tomorrow, bright and early. Either way, Pat (Juju and Zaide's foster mom), will find a way to get her her shots and every thing...then have her to go the adoption event in September. She is gorgeous, so I am sure she will have no trouble finding a home. She is a black/tan tabby, long hair.
Good for you for taKing her! Regardless of her story she needs to be protected and have the best chance possible..

I see your in AZ (I'm in So. Cal) so let me know if you have any problems getting her a home as i will help you.

Thank goodness you were there to step in - koodoes to you!
juliew19673 wrote:
I see your in AZ (I'm in So. Cal) so let me know if you have any problems getting her a home as i will help you.

Thank you!! Fortunately, this area is *kind of* large, so most kitties get adopted very quickly. She is gorgeous and loves to purr and cuddle with I am sure she would have no problems :D!

Wish us luck today, calling UAF and the HS *crosses fingers* :).
Good for you taking her in! I just don't understand why people would think that it's ok to let a kitten loose?!! :shock:

Good luck with getting her in for shots etc... :)

Oh, and I'd love to see a pic of her! ;)
I can only imagine how mad you must have been. I definately would have blown up in her face...

But anyways, great job for saving the poor little girl.

Pictures please?
Good on ya Amy for taking in the poor little thing....i just don't know how people can just set their 'pet's' free because they have had enough of them...that's just so cruel and cold hearted.

I really hope that you can find the kitty cat a loving home.
I named her "Alaska". We have a sitcker at work that goes on our key chains and there is one for Alaska....that has just a head-shot of a big huge Grizzly Bear. She reminds me of that, so Alaska is her name :).

I got a spay voucher from UAF. It should arrive in a few days. I get to pick from a list of vet, find the lowest charging vet, then make an appointment for her spay. First, though, she is getting her shots and testing through Miss Kitty's Cat House. Pat gets back on Monday from Cali, so she is going to help get Alaska in there.

Amy, I read your original post the other night and haven't been back to the thread until now, when I read your most recent post. I was a tad confused about UAF sending the cat, Alaska, a spay voucher... because my university up here is called UAF, University of Alaska Fairbanks! I was imagining them sending you a voucher because you named your cat after our state. Figured that couldn't possibly be it and UAF must be the animal shelter or rescue, but it did amuse me a little bit. Anyway, thanks for helping the kitty! :biggrin2: