Save rabbit and guinea pig shampoo?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2005
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Bedfordshire, , United Kingdom
I know rabbits and guinea pigs and all small animals are the same in this topic so tohught I would post it here!

I have two rosette guinea pigs and there fur seems to get dirty an awful lot because dirt and dust from the shavings gets caught in their whirls. Last year at their vet check up the vet said we should give them a bath as their fur was really dusty and greasy.

Well if I knew you could actually bath guinea pigs I would of done it sooner!

But I gave them a bath a year ago with a safe human shampoo, But I have forgotten what shampoo it was? I didnt see any point in buying special guinea shampoo for one a year use.

What kind of safe human shampoo should I use?

I have a johnsons baby shampoo, do you think that will be ok? The no tears etc one. **Actually thinking about it its a hand soap slash shampoo.**


I just hope the weather is still as sunny 2moro! :D
Hi Linz !:wave:

I've used a couple of products for our buns, hammies, and pups.

.....and I keep ending up using Dawn dishsoap.

Johnsons Baby Shampoo should be fine. We have some doggie tear-free shampoo that's probably near the same.
Remember that any soap/detergent/cleaner might wash away natural oils, so moderation is best.

We never wash past the neck on any of the furries , and always make sure we rise throughly.

It worked great getting most of the grease off of Rosie. We couldn't immerse her, so we soaked a towel in warm/lightly soapy water.... and then kind of loosely wrapped her up in it. We used the same method to rinse her (with clean warm water, of course ;))

Hammies were basically the same. Put a hand towel in the sink and use a small wash cloth to clean/rinse. My kids did it on a regular basis with the 12 we had.

A blow dryer on LOW/COOL works really well for drying, especially if you can hang it somewhere so you can work hands-free with the furries.

Hope this helped some,

Hiya! Thankz for all the advice. I used a realy realy mild johnsons baby shampoo we found. And make sure to rinse it off thoroughly. We had to wash them twice each cos they were so dirty! lol

I rubbed them gently dry with a towel and they have been out in the sun in the garden drying off. Their fur is very much softer now and they smell nice lol. I just need to brush them later when they are dryed and they will be perfect little piggies :D

Do you think dog shampoo would of been better to use then?
Linz_1987 wrote:
Hiya! Thankz for all the advice. I used a realy realy mild johnsons baby shampoo we found. And make sure to rinse it off thoroughly. We had to wash them twice each cos they were so dirty! lol

I rubbed them gently dry with a towel and they have been out in the sun in the garden drying off. Their fur is very much softer now and they smell nice lol. I just need to brush them later when they are dryed and they will be perfect little piggies :D

Do you think dog shampoo would of been better to use then?

I think you're good with the baby shampoo.

All those piggies are "squeakie" clean now!! :D
LOL yer!

When I was rubbing the shampoo onto them they kept giving little squeeks. And one of them did a wolf whistle squeek as if to say to the other one "ohh you do look nice and clean;)"

Bless their little hearts.
your pets get very dirty! i have only washed my bunnies a couple of times but that wasnt coz they were very dirty it was simply to make them cool down!

what do people think about rabbits going for a swim when its very hot in shallow cold water?
Im not sure.

Could you use a very light spray bottle and spray them? I have been using one to tell the bunnies off if they are naughty but if you do it on a light setting will it be ok? Or will they still think they are getting told off?

And I aint sure why they get so dirty! The seeds from the hay keep getting caught in their whirly fur and they dont come out unless you spend ages picking every single one out of their fur. But most of the time they dont like you doing it becauseI think it hurts them :?They squeek loader than usual if you do it.
hunnybunny63 wrote:
your pets get very dirty! i have only washed my bunnies a couple of times but that wasnt coz they were very dirty it was simply to make them cool down!

what do people think about rabbits going for a swim when its very hot in shallow cold water?
Immersing a rabbit in cold water on a hot day could be dangerous. The rapid change in temperature could cause shock.

Lightly dampening a buns ears with a spray bottle or towel with cool water,will help to cool a warm bun. Buns are incapable of sweating and expel heat through their ears and through breathing.

"Butt bathes" to clean up a messy bun are okay as long as the water is warm and shallow.

Regular baby wipes (NO ALOE) can be used to "freshen up" a bun.

Generally speaking, our buns keep themselves very clean and it's usually a health problem or unusual circumstance that leads us to bathe them.

well i did try telling Daisy off with a spray bottle but i never had it with me when she was naughty!

they dont like it when i spray them as they get v scared!

i have trid letting my bunnies and my friends had there rabbit and guineapigs in aa old play sandpit and they didint mind it too much!
Yes rabbits can keep themselves very clean!


I didnt need to bathe my rabbit when she went off digging! She cleaned herself very nicely by two days.

My rabbits roll in the dirt when its really hot. I aint sure why though lol. I suppose it must cool them down somehow :? Or they just like rolling in mud....

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