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I have to agree with Fran I'm afraid.:? Although I don't think Year 9 SATS are important (as to be honest they are only for the government and not for us in any way)I thinkif they are going to 'scrap' any SATS it should be the key stage 1 and 2 SATS. I help out at my old primary school with years 1 and 2 (and of course I remember being that age myself) and I just think it is totally wrong for these young kids to have to stress about exams. That's what your teen years are for....:rollseyes
Your primary school-agers have to take those kind of exams???? Good grief! Here in the states, there are "achievement tests", but in the first year or two, they don't make a big deal out of it....just like the kids to be there so they don't have to do the make-up tests! I always told my kids that they're just checking to see how things are going, and to see how much you've learned....seemed to keep them from stressing about it.
I personally think SATs at Secondary School are very important. You may think they are only for school use but...

When I took my Y9 SATs I got a very bad grade in Maths. Therefore, when it came to GCSE's, I got put in a low set, in a foundation level course where I could only acheive a maximum of a C grade. If I had done better in my SATs I would have been put in a higher class and would have had a much much better chance of getting a B or even an A at GCSE.

On the other end of the spectrum, I got a brilliant grade in my English SATs, so I got put in the top set and got really pushed. I wasn't the top of my class and I never expected to be any good but I came out with an A - I would never have got that A if I didn't take my SATs because no one saw my potentional, I would have been put in a lower set, and wouldn't have believed in myself enough to think if I just worked hard I couly get a brilliant grade.

So thats why I think Y9 SATs are very very important, the most important. I agree they should be scrapped in Primary school but for Y9 especially they can really make or break your GCSEs, which can make or break your A Levels, which can make a break which Uni you go to, which job you get, what kind of life you live.....

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
i've never done a SAt and i love it! i'm home schooled and we do a reveiw every year so that the state knows we're actually doing school, but that's it. i think the SAT's are bad for kids and schools, they teach to the test and i think they miss alot by doing that:?
Yeah I can see what you're saying Fran but I think internal school exams should be used to set people as opposed to SATSas they are less stressful andless stress = more accurate results.:DAnyway at my school we had to do SATSwere useless there!:grumpy:

As you can probably tell I'm pretty anti-SAT.;) I've just had bad experiences with them! It's the start of a long and slippery slope on the way to many more exams:grumpy:*I say while stressing aboutmy A2 mocks in 2 weeks!!:shock:*


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