Satin Angora's

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New Member
Oct 13, 2012
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Eugene, Oregon, USA
I have Satin Rabbits and I have Angora Rabbits. I was talking to a breeder and they said it was possible to breed the two together to get Satin Angoras on the sencond generation since both are ressesive genes. Is this commonly done? and is it possible? Any input would be of great help. :)
It is not commonly done and I wouldn't suggest it. Most people would just rather buy a satin angora. There are many kinks worked out in any breed that have come from many generations of hard work and just crossbreeding is not an easy road. Not to mention to be considered a true breed you must have 3 generations of that breed on a pedigree
Ok I asked my friend Mikey who is an ARBA judge and currently raises satin and french angoras. He said::

"Well depends which other angora they breed to. . .satin is a simple recessive gene so when you breed a satin to something none of the babies turn out with satin fur but are all carriers. . .the wool gene is the same way so if you breed a satin with say a french angora they would all come out normal short coated. . .if you bred those offspring together you would get some of each (if you had enough babies to prove out the percentages) some with satin short some with normal wool and if you were lucky some with satin wool but again if they used a english angora for the whole process then that wool will carry onto the head ears and feet too much and you have a non showable rabbit same if you used a giant and even with a french the texture of the coat won't be right to start with so it would take several more generations of hard culling to get it right!"
Okay, well good to know. My angora that I have now is not show quality, but has really good fiber. So, the looks of the rabbit I am not picky about. Now, my satins are lovely. I will have to give it some thought. Thanks for all the advice all!

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