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My male rabbit (indoor)is alittle over a year old, he has always licked my hands, arms, facebut lately he has went overboard -ha!! Is it he wants the salt on my skin or is he just really getting mellow and more lovie?
I've heard of salt blocks butare those really good for rabbits?
No salt blocks for bunnies -- they do not need them.
Your bunny might just be in love with you.
THANKS for the information Helen
Rabbits are sweet animals! :hearts
They are not "necessary" for buns. But, of course, ours is weird, hubby gives him a carrot one and he loves it, he's had about 4 of them over the past couple years, he loves it, silly bun.
At this point w/ him, I don't care, we love him and don't want to lose him.
So, for stimulation purposes, I don't oppose them, I just know buns don't need it.
When I got Benji (he was my first bunny), I bought him a salt lick block because he used to lick me nonstop! He ignored it and I threw it away after a month or so.
At the time I wasn't particularly confident with understanding bunny behaviour, as I'd never owned a bun before, but after a while I realised the reason he was licking me was because he loved me- bunny kisses! Sounds like this is the case with your bun