salt and/or mineral blocks...

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I have one of the brown ones in for mykids...dunno that they use em...its a salt/mineral combined kindathing....its on with some chew things hanging on the sides of far I haven't really seen em use em..but it'd take sometime before they make much of a dent I'm sure!
I have mineralblocks in every cage ( Pink )But concidering the condition ofthese rabbits when i go tthem I wanted to be sure theystayed hydrated , and minerl/salt blocks will dojust that , they make them wantmore water , But they can alsocause more problems than they cure , youhave to be carefull they dont over usethem and overwork their kidneys ,

I have one goofy rabbit that thinks hismineral block is a bar bell put inthere just to keep him fromgetting a double chin lol , hewill get it by the middleand up it goes , downit goes , then up again , hewill keep this up till you get sick ofit and take it away .
Have had some buns who liked them, most didn't. The salt will adsorb moisture and often "wick it" into areas you may not want it in, causing staining and/or corrosion. Most pelleted foods provide enough salt and minerals for most buns. Unnecessary addition, for the most part.

my buns like salt blocks but i think they chin it most the time rather than lick lol :D
None of my rabbits care for the saltrings. As Buck said, if you're not careful, they can causerust/corrosion on the wire, so make sure to keep an eye on it.

i gave one to me girls when i first got them andall they did was lick it, but the water bottle leaked so its went allsoggy lol!! so i didnt get one after that lol!!
Our S'more is the only one of our buns that likes salt.

She has a salt wheel. I used a piece of plastic coated wire (from anold water bottle) and hung it between the wires on the side of hercage. It doesn't touch the cage wires or any other part of thecage,so there's no problem with corrosion or staining.
Thanks everyone! I got her one, but not sure ifshe's using it. Was only like $0.30 so if she doesnt, not a big deallol But I figured she might need it, since I dont have regular rabbitpellets yet...

I give my buns a saltwheel they havehad it for ages and occasionally lick it, I did also buy them a mineralblock but they don't seem to likeit.

Celery is high in salt butI don't know if it supply's the right amount for a bun? Does anyone else know?

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