Safety tips for women

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2005
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Bunny Beach, Florida, USA
This is a little long to scroll through (I copied/pasted), but well worth the read.

Because of recent abductions in daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation...This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, everyone you know. After reading these9 crucial tips, forward them to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in.

1.Tip fromTae Kwon Do: The elbowis the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it,do!

2.Learned this from a tourist guide inNew Orleans. If a robber asksfor your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you....chances arethat he is more interested in your wallet and/or pursethan you, and he will gofor the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!

3.If you are ever throwninto the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lightsand stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won't see you,but everybody else will. This has saved lives.

4.Women have a tendencyto get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc.,and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON'T DO THIS!) The predatorwill be watching you,and this is the perfect opportunityfor him to get in on the passenger side,put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR, LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.If someone is in the car with a gun to your head DONOT DRIVEOFF, repeat: DONOT DRIVEOFF! Instead gun the engine and speed into anything,wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you. If the person is hey will get thte worst of it. As soon as the car crashes bail out and run. It is betterthan having themfind your bodyin a remote location.

[align=left]5.A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:[/align]
[align=left]A.)Be aware: look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor, and in the back seat[/align]
[align=left]B.)If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vanswhile the women are attemptingto get into their cars.[/align]
[align=left]C.)Look at the car parked on the driver's sideof your vehicle, and the passenger side..If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car,you may want to walk back into the mall, or work,and get a guard/policemanto walk you back out.[/align]
[align=left]IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)[/align]
[align=left]6.ALWAYStake the elevator instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible placesto be alone and the perfect crime spot.[/align]
[align=left]7.If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you(a running target) 4 in 100 times;And even then, it most likelyWILL NOTbe a vital organ. RUN,Preferablyin a zig -zag pattern![/align]
[align=left]8.As women,we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP It may get you raped,or killed. Ted Bundy,the serial killer,was a good-looking, well educated man,who ALWAYS played on the sympathiesof unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane,or a limp,and often asked'for help'into his vehicleor with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.[/align]9.Another Safety Point: Someone just told methat her friend heard a crying baby on her porchthe night before last, and she called the policebecause it was late and she thought it was weird.The police told her 'Whatever you do,DO NOT open the door.' The ladythen said thatit sounded like the baby had crawled near a window,and she was worried that it would crawlto the streetand get run over. The policeman said,'We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do,DO NOT open the door.' He told her that they thinka serial killer has a baby's cry recordedand uses it to coax women out of their homesthinking that someone dropped off a babyHe said they have not verified it, but have had several callsby women saying thatthey hear baby's criesoutside their doors when they're home aloneat night. Please pass this on and DO NOTopen the door for a crying baby ---- Thise-mail should probablybe taken seriously because the Crying Baby theorywas mentioned on America's Most Wantedthis past Saturday when they profiled the serial killer inLouisiana I'd like youto forward thisto all the women you know.
Thank you for posting this, is always good to remember we are not invincible and how to avoid some potentially killer situations.

I would like to add, if I may, that our men also need to be careful, as men are killed and abducted sometimes too. Lots of times men think that it would never ever happen to them because they are strong and can fight someone off, but it does and can happen.
Thanks for posting this, it's all good info. The security department sent this around at my work a couple months ago. It's good to be reminded sometimes.

Actually, I've been a little nervous tonight. When I got home, my apartment management had posted a notice near the mailbox of my building. This one said everyone should be aware of their surroundings when they got home in the evenings, to look out for suspicous persons, and should be prepared to call 911 if they see any suspicious persons or activities. Also, it said to always lock our cars and our apartments. :shock:

I'm not quite sure what to think, this was sort of an alarming thing to read. I haven't heard of anything unusual in the local news, so I am wondering what is going on. (Most notices posted are about how the carports are reserved or make sure to pay rent on time.) I have a lot of anxiety, anyway, and am paranoid about break-ins already, so this didn't help me any!!!!! Sorry to threadjack.

Edit: Just read the local paper online. Attempted armed robbery last night. In my apartment parking lot. And at the Taco Bell parking lot down the street. Fun times. I wish we could afford to move out of the 'hood. (My husband's car was stolen out of our parking lot last summer, too.) This used to be the SAFE part of town. I should study those safety tips in depth.
this is handy to know, there are some rapist in my area. 3!!!!!!!:shock:

i knoiw!! i dont go out alone, well i dont reeally go out any way, but i will pass on to my friends/class 10-14and older friends.....others...


its better to be safe than sorry
the elbow isnt the strongst part of your body your vocals are aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

.(your little toes is actually the strongest :shock::dude::pinkelepht::woohoo:bunny19:mrsthumper:)
my anonnying friend in school must of got on.. (i must chnge pssword..)
The elbow is the strongest, and is best for impact, I believe. The femur is the strongest bone in your body, but you can't hit someone with your thigh. Your kneecap is a floating bone, and if you hit something with it too hard, you can tear ligaments. The elbow is best braced for impact (directly into your shoulder socket). I've taken WAY too many anatomy classes!

We recently had to up our security in our apartments. There was a guy who broke into the Monterey Apartments down the road and raped some girl. They caught him not too long after the crime, but we still had to make sure that we weren't being followed into the building.

It makes me mad that you can't legally get tazers in Wisconsin. I want the stick-pin ones! Actually, I probably would just shoot one of my friends with it for fun. It would still be nice to have, though!
Never bother punching the body. Aim for eyes, nose, ears. They are very sensitive spots! And of course don't forget to make noise!
I have never been in a really threatening situation before but would hope that years of training pay off
Also, best areas to hit are the nose, solar plexus, diaphragm, and groin. They may have padding/protection on, but those are the best areas to hit if they are unprotected.
kherrmann3 wrote:
Also, best areas to hit are the nose, solar plexus, diaphragm, and groin. They may have padding/protection on, but those are the best areas to hit if they are unprotected.
For the last three you need considerable force to have any effect. even the nose is not very reliable if the attacker is drunk. But whether or which fighting back however pathetic is preferable to just giving in. With a bit of luck the attacker won't expect resistance and the few seconds of surprise may give you enough time to get away
My friend knows Tae Kwon Do, and she taught me a few things. I recommend it for self-defense training for women. They teach to hit the diaphragm/solar plexus for a good, crippling move. It's hard to breathe, then rendered the threat somewhat less threatening, if that makes sense. If you hit there once with one good, well-braced thrust, it can knock the wind out of them. That's just what I was taught. I know that when in a dangerous situation, you aren't going to be as precise as you would in practice.
It's a great idea to hit the diaphragm with a wll aimed thrust. i am trained to do so but wouldn't want to rely on it as i know if you just miss by a bit it has no effect whatsoever - being also trained taking repeated punches in the stomach area. For women I'd only recommend go for the face. If you can hit the groin do so but don't waste energy punching the body. You're very unlikely to hit the right spot in a stress situation.

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