I wouldn't worry about it too much,Hun. As long as the things you have in his cage arecompletely natural (nothing with any sort of finishing on it, oranything other than paper or wood products), he's fine eatingthem. I even give my buns those soft paper drink holders youget from places like McDonald's because I can tell they're recycledpaper, and have no dyes in them! They can also have cardboardboxes (as long as they don't have any shiny printings on the outside,they should just be cardboard). He can even have newspaper,as it's made with vegetable dye!
He's just getting fiber from all different kinds of sources, andenjoying the bounty of different flavors you've given him.It's fun for buns!
As long as he's eating plenty of hay and the right amount of pellets, he's just fine, don't worry!
If you want some good links on food, check out the following section in the forum...has all SORTS of good links!
Here's also a link about Hay:
Here's a link about Pellets:
Link about percentages of things needed in pellets:
Good link about what to feed buns per age:
Also, check out the other things on that last site (Carrot Cafe) formore information regarding food in general. Good site!
Also, check out the House Rabbit Society's info on feeding...they're a very good site as well:
There ya go! Lots of reading, but believe me, it's worth it!!
Hugs to you both!