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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
I'm so sad. I was going to adopt thesweetest little mini lop from my local shelter...I think I wrote aboutit before, but he got pasturella and had to be put down because itprogressed rapidly into severe head tilt. It is really sadbecause I was supposed to get him a month ago, but I didn't becausethings got so crazy at my house (see wild times and crazy vet bills)that I put it off. My friend who had been fostering him, hadto give him up because she had to have surgery, so he went to anothervolunteer. Apparently a bunny in that person's house hadpasturella and passed it on. I know the people at the shelterand they called me yesterday and told me how sick he was, so I wenttoday and made a decision. It was difficult, but he couldn'teven hop very well and I just felt he would be better off. Sosad. :(
Oh how sad :(

Maybe there is another bunny who needs you more now.Sometimes I have to think there are reasons things happen the way theydo...

I'm so sorry, cirrustwl. What a sad story.
No doubt, you will be an angel to the rescue for another rabbit in need of a loving home.

I know you already gave your love to the little one the minute you decided to adopt him.

My heart goes out to you. I'll say a prayer for you tonight.

Thanks for all the kind words. I have acouple of friends who are fostering, so I might take one of theirlittle ones. Although, I'm going to be moving in the nextcouple of months and already have so many critters to move, I maywait....who knows. I'll see when someone grabs my heart.

Thanks Again,

One of the major problems of a Pasteurellavaccine is the huge cost factor in researching and continually makingnew vaccines as each new strain emerges. There are manydifferent strains of Pasteurella, so a vaccine for one strain may notbe effective for another strain.

For huge rabbitries, it may be cost effective to have an autogenusvaccine manufactured for the specific pathogen in their herd.Because there are no approved vaccines for rabbits in the US, theherdsman must go through an approval process for each vaccine to bemanufactured.


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