runny eye and ear wax

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Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
York, South Carolina, USA
I just noticed that my rabbits eye is a little watery today. She has allergies but they normally bother her in the spring when we have our windows open. Its only one eye and its not super watery, there was just a little dried eye "booger" in the fur below her eye. She isn't rubbing her face or anything and it doesn't seem to bother her. I do have eye ointment from the vet that is for her. If it persists or gets worse, should I put some in there?
Her ears, since I was looking at her eye; I went ahead and looked in her ear (same side as watery eye) and it looks like there is a little bit of yellow wax in there. Should I try to get it out? I'm not one for digging in animals ears unless I absolutely HAVE to. Once again, her ears aren't bothering her. She is a lop, so floppy ears. I've never really gotten a good look in there, so I don't know whats "normal" for in the inside of lop ears.
It may be the start of an infection. I would have the vet take a look and clean the ears. It's really not safe for people to do it themselves. I also use drops in my lop's ears every other week to help keep them clean since she is prone to wax build up.
My vet said that because bunnies have such sensitive ear canals and such, its not a good idea to try cleaning the ears yourself or put anything in (drops etc.).
Ear issues can cause a REALLY big problem (head tilt) if left untreated so I think it'd be very wise to get it checked out by a bunny savvy vet.
MiniLopHop wrote:
I want to clarify that the drops I put in her ears are Rx from the vet.

I assumed they were from the vet :) -just wanted to throw that out there for others to not try cleaning the ears unless directed that way by the vet.

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