Rosie's Bunny Wonderland 2008

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hi guys!

I thought my 2008 blog needed more of a formal start for the New Year, because I just changed the title of my other one, instead of making a new one.

So, here's my new one! :biggrin2:

I thought I'd start out by posting everybun's weights (since we just weighed everybun) and a little about them, so you can see for yourself the variety we have here. We literally have all sizes in this house!


Miss Maisie recently turned two, was brought home 16 February 2006, and was our first ever bun. She's a little chinchilla-colored dwarfy sweetheart, and is bonded with me (instead of another bun) for right now, until we start bonding once everybun is altered.

Maisie is a netherland dwarf mix, and just got spayed about a week and a half ago. Miss Princess Maisie weighs 5.4lbs...and has all the dwarfy spunk you can imagine!


Flower is, from what we can gather, a lop mix, and is almost two years old. She's the resident lovey-girl, given that if you put your finger in her cage, she'll chin it til it's damp. This sweetheart loves everyone!

Flower came home as a rescue from a neighbor in May of 2006, and has been lovin' us insanely ever since! Beautiful Flower is 6.6lbs.


Trixie was a rehome from a dear friend of mine (TrixieRabbit here on the forum), and was flown to us from New York. She is our resident diva, and will let me know if her cage isn't just how she likes it! (Boy, do I love that spunkitude!)

Trixie weighs 8.4lbs, came home a year ago yesterday, is about to turn two years of age, and is our sweet mini-lop moobunny. :)


From what we can tell, our beautiful SweetPea is a havana mix, with gorgeous blue eyes and pure white fur from her sweet pink nose, to her poofy little tail. She's definitely Daddy's Girl, and they have such a sweet relationship. :)

SweetPea will be turning two in late March (same bday as Flower), and weighs 4.2lbs. We brought SweetPea home from a Craigslist ad (while looking for a hutch for a friend) back in July of 07, and she's been a part of this goofy family ever since!


Fiver is our resident sweetie-pie. He came to us as a rescue through the Rabbit Haven...and we drove over ten hours to get his sweet little self. And, boy was he worth every single second of that drive!

Fiver, from what we've been able to deduce, is a Holland lop boy that just didn't acquire that dwarfy gene, so he's a LARGE Holland lop. But boy does he have that Holland lop frown! :grumpy: Hehe!!

Fiver will be about two in September of this year, and weighs 5.6lbs (and we hope gains a little, as the vet would like to see him between 6 and 6.5lbs). He was our first boy added to the house, and really paved the way to my being comfortable picking up our other buns, and doing things like trimming their nails. He has a special place in the home, being the fifth added, and our first boy. :)


Cuddles is Emily's sweet little girl bun. She's a beautiful all black mini-rex that we brought home about a month ago now, and she certainly lives up to her name! She loves to be held, loved on, kissed, you name it! Cuddles recently turned four months of age, and is 2.4lbs, so a tiny little cutie! She is our smallest girl AND our smallest bun!


Velveteen is Cuddles' half-brother (they share a daddy), and is a vienna-marked black mini-rex boy, with those handsome trademark vienna blue eyes! He's also a cuddle bug, but it took him quite a while to adjust to his new home. Why, just last night, he finally felt comfortable enough to let me pet him as long as I wanted to. Usually he thumps off, and I have to sneak pets in, but last night, he sat still and just enjoyed the love, for the first time! (The night before last, I held him for a LONG time, and eventually, he relaxed into my arms and realized that I wasn't "out to get him", but love him SOOO much!)

Velveteen is 3lbs on the nose! :) This handsome fellow is our smallest boy.

Both Cuddles and Velveteen have demonstrated an immense amount of intelligence, so I'm going to start figuring out little projects and such that they can have fun with, and maybe even little intelligence tests of some sort!


Teeny is a Flemish Giant hunka bun that we brought home at the same time we brought home our smallest buns, Cuddles and Velveteen. He's quite the handsome fellow, as he's a mixture of fawn and blue colors. As he's losing his baby fur, and gaining his big boy fur, it's coming in with MUCH more blue than his baby fur. It's a big ol' guessing game, what color it'll finally be when it's all done growing in!

Right now, at three months, Teeny is the second largest bun in the household, weighing in at 7lbs exactly.

Teeny is quite the unique bun, not just in size, but in attitude! Given that he's still so young, he's one moment mischievous and inquisitive and downright NOSEY...the next moment, he's the resident Laziness Pro, lounging froggy legs style, with both back feet stretched out behind his bum! He's started to win over Hobbes the Cat, I think because of his size, and because I make it a point to have them spend time together. I hold Hobbes (he doesn't mind), and let them sniff noses, and tails, and feet, etc. And since doing that, Hobbes has become much more into being friends with Teeny (which is good, since when we move into a house, Teeny will be free-roaming, and they're gonna HAVE to be good friends)!


I musn't forget to add information about my handsome Harley boy! Though he does not yet live directly with us, he is definitely part of the family! Harley is a handsome harlequin-colored lionhead boy bun that lives with Peg (TinysMom), until our situation is setup for our final boy to be added to the family. I'm not sure exactly what or when that'll be, but we're hoping SOON, because we'd love to dote on him like we do our other babies!!

I'm not totally sure what he weighs, probably between 3 and 4lbs, but boy is he handsome!!

Peg tells me this boy has a bit of spunkitude (which if you know me, you know I LOVE!!), given that he takes to thumping if he's last to be fed, or if you're petting somebun else. I can't wait to bring his handsome self home, and see and hear it for myself!! :D


Dusty is a tort-colored lionhead boy that also lives with Peg. He's become both our bun, as he's going to live out his life with Peg, and not be flown here. Dusty's two siblings, Drew and Bun Bun, passed away not too long ago, both we think from congestive heart failure, and given that they both perished this way, we don't want to take the chance that it's genetic, and take a chance on Dusty's life by flying him.

So, though he lives with Peg, he's still our baby...and I know that he knows he's got a big ol' family with Peg and with us. :)

(I love you, Sweetie Pie...)

So, those are all our buns!! We've had some sad times, but overall, we have such a happy family, and each and every bun gets so spoiled with us. I love seeing them so happy and healthy and really love sitting on the floor with them when they're out to play, and grooming them and trimming their nails when they need it. I love every night when I feed them and give them hay, watching them eat to their heart's content. I love Trixie's nightly bell-ringing for food, and Maisie's race with my hand to her food bowl for her nightly dinner. I love Teeny's baby clumsiness, Cuddles' love, Fiver's need for my love, Velveteen's intelligence, SweetPea's insistence on DADDY, Flower's lovey-doveyness, Dusty's charm, and Harley's spunkiness. They are each so special, and so wonderful...I am so blessed!!

Hugs to all!

Rosie & the Warren :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Well, just a few minutes ago, I attempted to trance SweetPea...and boy, was she havin' NONE OF THAT!! She would NOT trance...heck, she wouldn't even let me get her on her back! She was really not into it in any sense of the word.

So, I held her in my lap, and clipped each nail in turn...and when I started out holding her, she was honking (stress honking) quite a lot. After I'd held her for a while, and pet and cuddled with her, she calmed down and I was able to trim her nails.

Poor sweetheart, though...she stresses so much in being held...until I cuddle and kiss and pet her. She dropped SO MUCH fur, too...

BUT, it went well.

Here are a few pictures of me holding SweetPea...




I did have Danny get a video of my trying to trance her, though...and in it you can hear her honking.

Isn't she CUTE?? Hehe...silly wabbit wouldn't let me flip her!!
LMAO Rosie do you have a bunny or a piggy under that towel? She's like, what do you think you're doing mother?!?!?!

Ya need me to come catch that pig by it's hind legs and hold it upside down?

That is a pig.. right? Sure sounds like a

Ok seriously.. My mom had those EXACT same towels.. in that color, and like a harvest gold and a royal blue..
I was watchin the video goin.. "So that's where my fav towel went... THEIF!!!" lol
Rosie what a great new blog. Wow I didn't realize Trixiewas so big.

Pictures,:camera Pictures :cameraPictures.:camera LOL

Gosh, should've heard how loud those honks got when we were trying to trim her nails last time! Poor thing...

Believe it or not, she was quite calm this time...I think she preferred to be HELD and have her nails trimmed, rather than be put on the table and have them done (like last time). Not only that, but she couldn't pull the "What paw? Certainly I'm not hiding it under my body...nope, not there *tilt bunny other way*...Nope, not there, either! I think I just have three legs, Mama..." This time, she couldn't hide those little feet, and though she wasn't likin' it, she wasn't honkin' the whole time I trimmed, louder and louder, either. She was nice and quiet.

But she sure is funny with those honks, isn't she, guys? She did it once, and I told Danny, "Get the camera...I have GOT to get this on camera!" Hehe...
I'm gonna post a little bit about my Dusty here. I honestly am trying to avoid the subject, as we're having company tonight. Part of Danny's birthday present, as his birthday was Monday, was playing D&D this week. Our last campaign (game) had ended, so we were taking a break in between, but on Sunday, I let him know that part of his present was that we could start our new campaign tonight.

So, I'm basically spending the day trying to distract myself from losing my sweetie. I wouldn't be able to have company tonight if I let myself really feel things. I know, not the healthiest thing to do...but I did promise Danny, and I don't want to be sitting around, being sad and crying all night. Not tonight...not yet.

I find that I try not to think about this...though it's unavoidable at times. I don't want to go through this again, so I'm trying to distract myself from least for now.

I thought I would have more I could at least confront losing Drew (which I still have yet to do fully...I still haven't been able to look at pictures of her, or really let it sink in that she's gone), which means I haven't really been able to confront losing Bun Bun, either. Things like that take time with me...more time than just three months.

I don't want to feel the depths of that emptiness quite yet. I don't want to be a zombie for two family needs me. I don't want to sit and cry off and on for would that be healthy for Emily, who will no doubt have her own grieving process for Dusty? I mean, I didn't let her know last night what was happening, as he hadn't passed yet when I put her to bed...and even in not knowing, she was crying about having lost her boy, Bun Bun, when I put her to she's still recovering from losing him. I worry about what effect this will have on her.

And poor Danny...why should he have to go a third round of his wife not really being here for a week or two? He deserves so much better.

I really don't want to go through this again...I really don't. And I find that I'd much rather just avoid that it happened...not post in his Rainbow Bridge post, not talk about it. I closed my Messengers so I wouldn't awake to "I'm sorry" 's and "how awful" 's. I just don't want to do this...again.

Why couldn't there be more time? Why all at once like this? Three buns in three days.

It was just a little bit more than two weeks until his birthday...why couldn't he hang on? Why couldn't he be the one out of my three babies to make it? I had JUST transferred the information from my 2007 calendar to my 2008 calendar yesterday afternoon, and came across the babies' birthday on 15 Feb, and thought, "At least my Dusty boy will make it..." and was happy in that thought. I shed a few tears for Drew and Bun Bun, wrote the birthday, and rejoiced for a few minutes that my Dusty would make it...he would be the birthday boy that celebrated for all three. I had brief thoughts of the gifts I would send to Peg's for him to rejoice in his and his siblings' galore, money for some veggie treats, maybe even some ingredients for bunny cookies. I think I'm going to have to celebrate the day with all of my babies here, just to honor their memory.

I can hear the wind outside...just like when my other two babies passed. I know it's my boy letting me know he's okay and happy, letting me know he made it home to me. I'll feel him in the couple weeks to come, just like I did with his brother and sister. I just wish it could've been in all that fluff and fur that boy had.

I know I never got to meet them...but I miss them so babies. My lionhead sweeties. My special fluffballs.

As some of you may know, Dusty's name came about because Danny and I took one look at his face, and all that fur he had as a babe, and Danny said, "Wow...that's one heck of a Dust Bunny!!" And I knew right then and there what his name had to little Dust Bunny baby. And it's funny, Peg had the same thought. So, when I told her his name, she just laughed, and couldn't help but tell me that she'd thought of him as a Dust Bunny, too.

Boy, those three were such a joy for me. And bringing them home was such a huge dream for me. Thank you so much, Peg, for sharing their lives with me, and writing those letters when they were so little, and for sharing pictures and videos, and so many wonderful shared memories you and I had with them. They were so far away, but I never felt like I missed out on their shared them with me so much. I can't thank you enough for making me such a part of their lives, and for letting me talk to my Dusty boy last night. That was such a joy...despite the horrible, sad time.

Anyway, thanks for reading all this...I just kinda feel like this blog, this time around, is more like my journal. Somewhere I can just share my life, and have people be able to read if they wish.

Hugs to everyone...and please be sure to cherish each and every moment with your sweeties, whether animal or human. Every moment is a treasure.

GoinBackToCali wrote:
Ok seriously.. My mom had those EXACT same towels.. in that color, and like a harvest gold and a royal blue..
I was watchin the video goin.. "So that's where my fav towel went... THEIF!!!" lol
That's so funny! I didn't realize other people would've had those atrocious towels!

It was Danny's mom's he had when I moved in with him four years ago. And though I think it be hideous in appearance, it's come to our rescue with various things countless times over the years!

But, I have to's a great towel! Very warm and absorbent...perfect for holding bunnies! And, I have to say, the buns sure love it, too! :)
Hi Polly! :)

Thanks for the sweet words. :)

I don't really have any NEW pictures of Miss Princess Maisie, but here are a couple from my having tranced her, so I could check her spay incision...



I probably won't have any new ones for another few days, as I want to be SURE she's totally healed before I let her out to play.

But, I do have some more recent ones of Teeny. :)

First, some ears pictures:





Meltered Teeny!


And some random cute face pics:



Too close! Back up the nose!







"I's gettin' grumpy..."





You're too close, Teeny!!




"What...I'm bathing..."







"Do I look handsome now??"


"Why, ALWAYS look handsome to me!!"

"Hrumph...SOMEONE can't appreciate a good bathing session"


And his favorite way to lay that is so far uniquely Teeny


And my favorite picture of all...


Now thems amazing ears wow how cute and i just love his nose. so gorgeous :D

i do love chin bunnies though the colours are so beautiful and the gorgeous white tum i am so glad she is ok Rosie:)

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