Ronnie and Skye

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2006
Reaction score
Valdosta, Georgia, USA
So, Ronnie has a blog for himself. I did start a blog, but I don't know where it went. Anyways...
Ronnie is a New Zeland mix. He is around a year and a half, nutered male. My brother brought him home because they kept seeing him wandering the neighborhood for several consecutive weeks and finally decided to catch him and bring him home to me. I had actually been researching rabbits because my brother wanted one, so it was perfect timing. He has a lot of personality and is really smart. He always obeys if I tell him to go to his cage or whatever and is very sinsitive to my mood. If I am feeling down he always lets me cuddle him. When I first got him he hated to be touched, but he is getting better and begs me for head rubs now.


Skye will be nine months old at the end of this month. She is an American Fuzzy lop. Spayed female.
I found her at a pet store really matted up and with a clear runny nose. I didn't get her right away, but finally decided to get her after a lot of thought. It was near Christmas and I didn't really have a gift, so I convinced my dad to let me get her and a NIC cage for her. Her runny nose ended up being allergies and as long as I keep things dust free all is fine. She is really sweet and loved to cuddle and give kisses. She is a lot more strong willed than Ronnie and likes to get her way. She is not afraid of anything, and loves my dog. Her hair was hard to keep at the begining, but it is a lot easier now.

I also have a tortoise, a dog, and two finches.
Tori, 8 year old sulcata tortoise

Maggie, 4 year old Lhasa apso

I don't have pics of the finches. They hate the camera and it stresses them out.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So I 'wrote' a book.

A week and a half ago I came back from a small vacation. The rabbits tried to make them think they were mad at me for leaving, but they sorta gave themselves away.

Soon after that they moved into the same cage. They really like eachother and have bonded well.



I'll write more when I have more. If anyone wants to, Ronnie's blog is here with a lot more pics.
Aww they look great as a couple!:inlove:

Great pics, keep em coming.;)

~Michaela, Maddie, Pebble, Ebony & Angel Bunny Berri~

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