Ripley's acting kinda off

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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, , USA
Maybe I'm just being an overly worried bunny mom but something just doesn't seem normal.

This morning I ran out to care of the bunnies-fed and watered both, and hurried out the door to church. Then when I got home, I went out to get Ripley and bring him inside for playtime.

Normally Ripley races out to see me but instead he was hiding in the wooden side of his hutch. When I called him and tried to get him to come out, he just stayed in there. Through the little opening I could see him breathing somewhat quickly. (It's not hot out either, in the 60's probably) Finally, he came into the wire side of his hutch, hopped into his litter box, went potty and then ran back into the wooden side to hide. This is totally not Ripley. He's always game for playtime. I opened the otherside of his hutch and pulled him out and borught him inside.

In here, he hopped around pretty normally and ate a bit of cilantro. Before even maybe 10 minutes he ran to the back door to go back out to his hutch. Again, this just isn't Ripley. Usually he'll sit here forever till I give him his paypaya treats.

The only thing I could find was a bit of poop on his lil' butt, but that may have been a teeny bit of cecals left stuck in his fur. Also, in the last week I've noticed a couple small spots of urine on his carpet in the wooden side of his hutch. He never pees out of the litterbox not to mention in that side of the hutch .

Note: Not even a week ago he was at the vet of his Bi/annual appointment and he was declared healthy there.

Any thoughts? I haven't doen anything too weird with his diet. He's switching to Oxbow, but it's been super gradual (several weeks and I'm still mixing it. It hasn't been a problem at all up to now so I'm kinda doubting that's it)
it does sound like something's off with him... is he eating and pooping normal amounts? the two things that come to mind are the very start of GI stasis or some sort of urinary infection, since you said he normally never pees outside of the litter box.
This is what my bunny Buckley has been like since yesterday, he's usually digging at the wire part of his cage to get out in the morning but yesterday he just sat in his bed part of his hutch and didn't want strokes, he's still eating fine, but I'm a bit worried too!
Something just like this happened to my Pip just last week. He's perfect with his litter box, so I knew something was wrong when I saw dribbles of urine on his sheet. I ended up taking him to the vet because I thought he had a UTI or something, but nothing was wrong. I just kept making sure he drank LOTS of water, and I bought him some Oat hay, which is apparently even higher in fiber than Timothy hay. I started giving him a craisin once a day for urinary health. In about 3 days, he was back to his normal self.

I hope Ripley feels better soon! He is SUCH a cute bun :D
The same thing was going on with Foo two days ago. I noticed she was just in a bun-loaf in her cage, so I let her out, gave her a big huge salad and she barely ate any of it. She just laid on a blanket with her salad next to her. I gave her some simethicone and gave her some water.
Then the next day was better, she was like normal. And today she is fine too. I don't know what was going on with her, but it sounds like all of our buns have had a strange day lately.

How is Ripley doing?
Maybe it has to do with a lot of them molting right now.
Thanks for the input. It's good to know others have had bunnies act like this for no huge reason. Thankfully as of today, Ripley seems to be doing better-back to his normal spunky goofy self. I'm so happy. :) ...He had me worried there.


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