Rhinebeck results?

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Not as well as I had hoped for. Amita got best senior blue dutch doe, beating her two daughters on the table. Her junior daughter did well, he said she was one to hang onto and let mature some. All of my blue does had very good type and nice heads, just the markings made them do worse. my two blue bucks, one i bought from Paul J(the judge) and his son beat out my registered buck(so he gets sold on to a youth or someone that wants a new line) they both did decent, couldn't touch the first place rabbit, that's for sure. But the dutch i'm not into getting the best marked ones, the mismarks tend to throw better looking babies.
As for my hollands, I had to scratch one of my broken senior bucks, but his son(my other senior) did horrible. failed in the lower hip, but had a nice head and ears. His mother was best broken senior doe and the only flaw he noticed with her was her face lacked a little bit.
My two solids, The senior buck was 5th of 12. He loved his body and fur, but would have liked his ears a little more forward and his crown was slightly weak compared to the 1st place rabbit and the doe she came in behind the tort,(Sky's black) and she needs a bit better head, crown and ears were good.
All in all it wasn't too bad. I ended up with a mismarked tort dutch doe- for my breeding program and a very nice steel buck-he's already got one grand champion leg. I might be getting another tort doe for show and a steel doe from kentucky.

Anyone else?
Sorry so late in getting to this! Been so busy!

My daughter took (in youth):
BOB & BOS in Hollands on Show A with her broken Holland SR Buck
BOSV with her broken Holland SR Doe
She also had her sr broken doe take BOSV in show B

Elops She took BOB in show B in show A she took a 1st & a 2nd

Jersey Woolies she took BOB & BOS in both shows A&B 2 different bucks took BOB & the same doe took BOS

Lionheads she took BOB & BOS with both of hers, 2 different does took BOB & the same buck took BOS

So she did pretty well!

I wrote for Sam Rizzo for most of the day =)

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