Rex, Peanut, Bella and Onzlo...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Yup, it was a regular rabbit caravan yesterday.

My two rabbits were in their large crate, strapped in thebackseat. Christine's bunnies in their not-so-large crate ;), sittingon her lap. Meanwhile the rest of my car was taken up with Bella andOnzlo's cage, excercise pen, food, and supplies, as well as Christine'sstuff for the week. She's moving into our house while my parents are inEurope :cool:

This was our first trip to this veterinarian, and all four bunnieswere simply going in for a check-up, and to get aquainted with the vetand the practice. The rabbits were seen byDr.Guerino, and I'll just say that I was very impressed :)

First off, he remembered their names, and didn't even confuseChristine's rabbits. It's a little thing, but it definately showed thathe cared enough to tell his patients apart.

Then he gave each rabbit a thorough and comprehensive exam. Hechecked eyes, ears, skin, noses, jaws, feet, and tails. He checked thespine, the belly, listened to their hearts and to their breathing.

He even flipped them over and did an -er- underside check;) Poor Rex was quite humiliated to discover he's a little less thanendowed :shock:

The exam ended with each of the rabbits having their teeth checkwith a little camera that showed their mouth on a small TV. So the weas owners were able to see their teeth and the vet pointed out thingsto keep an eye on (my two, as older rabbits, have slight "cusps" ontheir molars, but nothing too serious).

Of course, the rabbits weren't too happy with the whole procedure,but Dr. Guerino was very gentle and calm, and he and the vettech were exceedingly patient, even as the bunnies squirmed.

Oh yes, and the bunnies were each weighed. Rex is 5 1/4 pounds, abit on the large side for a Mini Rex, I believe. Peanut was asurprising 5 1/2 pounds, turns out she's more fur and skin thananything else :p

And Christine's rabbit Bella was nearly a pound bigger than herbrother Onzlo :shock: (he's a little over 2 pounds, she's just about 3pounds).

Overall, I really like this new vet, he did come highlyrecommended by the New Hamspshire HRS. And I feel much more confidentin the event of a medical emergency, especially as I'll be outof the country for the better part of July.

So we have four very healthy rabbits, with no noticable problems, at their ideal weights and on a good diet.


(that kind of good news almost makes up for those several hoursChristine and I spent "exploring" Massachusettes on our way home fromdropping off my parents at Logan Airport)

I know how nervewracking that can be. I'll be praying for her speedy recovery!
So glad every bunny ishealthy.That is neat to be able to see your rabbits back teeth on thescreen. Glad also that you found a rabbit savvy Doctor.

I plan to take Pebbles in for a check up some time this month.

Rainbows! :angel:
um...I'm blaming it on less-than-cleardirections from mom :foreheadsmack: We ended up going through severaltowns before breaking down and calling a friend that used to live inthe area. She helped us find the highway and we were set from there(except for the fact that we were both hungry and I reallyneeded to use the ladies' room)

What should have been an hour-long trip took over three hours :shock2:

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