Rex fur

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Cork, Ireland
As i went to a pet shop today checking out the rabbits as usual I came across a litter of Rexes or at least some appeared to be 5 of them had the appearance and fur of a Rex rabbit the other three were all of a different colour, had the same features but ordinary fur. Can that happen in a pure bred litter or is that an indication they are a mix? The shop sold them all as Rex and didn't really seem to know where exactly they came from (typical) I was just curious. Great if anyone could enlighten me.
I would say its most likely a mix especially because so many of you have said it is hard to get pure bred rabbits over there. rex would only have rex unless put through something else
I'm glad you say so because I said to the guy I thought they were mixes but felt bad afterwards because i thought it might be like with Netherland Dwarves that 25% didn't inherit the dwarfing gene.
I think petstores call any rabbit a "rex" or "mini-rex" honestly. I had someone tell me a holland lop was a mini-rex, I've also seen big, giant chinchillas called rex...... I love correcting them. :biggrin2:
They might begin to dread me. For that reason I rotate the shops and normally just mutter quietly to David:"Look at that! No way is that a........":)
You can get normal coated rabbits pop up in Rex litters if there was some mix breeding. If the mother was a Rex x Dutch for example and she was bred to a Rex buck you could get a litter with normal fur and Rex coated babies. I've seen it happen once or twice, though not with my litters thank goodness!
Mixes are the standard here most of the time. I just think they should sell them as such and not claim they are any particular breed only because they're a look alike
I agree. Sadly calling them a particular breed instead of a mix sells them better. Just like most pet shops will take in babies from as young as 5 weeks...the smaller and cuter they are the quicker they sell. Not many decent pet stores out there sadly, buy from breeders or rehome from shelters I say!
Good idea in general but breeders don't advertise much to the public (try google Irish breeder) and there are no shelters with rabbits. Pet shops are the only way for most people
No most breeders don't advertise much, but they are there if you look. I'm sure it's much harder for you in Ireland though! There are plenty of breeders and rescues over here. I know of a Rex breeder in Ireland, she brought her stock over from Wales from the breeder I got my dalmations from. Sure I can find her contact details if you are looking for a Rex at any point.
I'm not looking for a rex but I'll welcome any contact because they may yet know another breeder. Espacially if it's in the South
If they where all from the same litter that means more than likely one parent was mini rex/rex and the other was half mini rex. You can also get mini rex from two half mini rex rabbits you you can not get rex fur from a mini rex and a non rex gene carrying rabbit.
That must be the explanation. Maybe the breeders are not even aware what rabbits they have
Sabine wrote:
As i went to a pet shop today checking out the rabbits as usual I came across a litter of Rexes or at least some appeared to be 5 of them had the appearance and fur of a Rex rabbit the other three were all of a different colour, had the same features but ordinary fur. Can that happen in a pure bred litter or is that an indication they are a mix? The shop sold them all as Rex and didn't really seem to know where exactly they came from (typical) I was just curious. Great if anyone could enlighten me.

Rex is a recessive mutation that can "pop up" when 2 normal furred carriers are bred together.

We've crossed Mini Rex into our Dwarf Hotot lines, so the possibility exists later down the line for 2 of our "purebred" Dwarf Hotots to produce rex furred offspring.

2 Rex furred rabbits cannot produce nomal fur.

A while back I was in the groove of researching Astrex. Turns out it is popping up in French Lops, is that not cool? So really any of the ressesive furs could pop up in any breed.
I would love to have an asterex! I really wish I could get one in *mini rex*.... Bo has slightly curly hair on the back of his neck. I can only imagine it all over!!!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Really? So you could have a Flemish giant show up with Rex fur theoretically?


Wool is a more common mutation in many breeds because Angoras werecrossed in to increase fur density. Many years ago, wooled New Zealands were not uncommon. French Lops as well as many other breeds also can carry the wool gene. The breed that most commonly throws "woolies" is the Holland Lop.


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