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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
New York, USA
We have a bun at the shelter who has an incredibly sad case of fur mites and tick infestation that is making everybody concerned for her. She got deticked, and she got a dose of Revolution. Her case is so bad that we're concerned about the buns that were housed near her.

One of the buns that was in the vecinity got transported somewhere else (we'll call her Bun#2) yesterday. She got a dose of Revolution 9 , ays ago for her own case of mites. The bun with the mites and ticks came into the shelter only this weekend, so they were nearby each other only a couple of days.

What I want to know is, is Bun #2 going to be ok since she got a dose of Revolution 9 days ago? I don't know what the dosage is for Revolution, or if it's a one-time dose or if there are multiple doses to be administered.... I just wonder if there is any followup required for the bun we transported out...:?
Just wanted to add that I believe in the Library entry for Fur mites, it does mention Revolution quite a bit, but unless I glanced over it, it does not say how to dose...
kirbyultra wrote:
We have a bun at the shelter who has an incredibly sad case of fur mites and tick infestation that is making everybody concerned for her. She got deticked, and she got a dose of Revolution. Her case is so bad that we're concerned about the buns that were housed near her.

One of the buns that was in the vecinity got transported somewhere else (we'll call her Bun#2) yesterday. She got a dose of Revolution 9 , ays ago for her own case of mites. The bun with the mites and ticks came into the shelter only this weekend, so they were nearby each other only a couple of days.

What I want to know is, is Bun #2 going to be ok since she got a dose of Revolution 9 days ago? I don't know what the dosage is for Revolution, or if it's a one-time dose or if there are multiple doses to be administered.... I just wonder if there is any followup required for the bun we transported out...:?
this rabbit needs examined by only a exotic specialist..fur,stress mites,fleas,flea eggs-can easily be controlled with an injection,,ears probably need cleaned too,//,big waste of the rabbits time-as he/she is miserable-and needs proper treatment-now.//.any insecticide is deadly if misused.//.revolution,advantage--use as directed only-once a month...sincerely james waller:wave::rose::bunnydance:sorry helen,,didnot mean to come off tearse...bless you:inlove:
No problem at all James. Bun #1 will most likely be taken to a rabbit vet soon. She is the saddest case of infestation anyone has seen in a while. Bun #2 is generally in good spirits. Her dose of Revolution was given by an experienced rabbit person so I have no doubt that it was finely administered. If Revolution was meant to be a once a month drug, and I believe the mites have a 21 life period I think she might be ok post-transport...
Revolution is a drug that is supposed to be given every 30 days.

Baxter had some mites, and I took him to the vet and got some Revolution. I got a box of three doses from the vet, so I am going to dose Baxter one more time to be sure that I got all the little mites. He had his first dose on March 6th, and he's going to get his second dose today.

Yup, it stays in the system long enough to be preventative for future contact with external parasites. It needs to be applied every 30 days to make sure the infestation is gone.
Thank you!!! Going to bookmark this thread :)

Can we add it to the library re: frequency?

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