Revolution for furmites, help

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Oct 27, 2013
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I finally got revolution today today but I wanted to check with people here who had more experience with Revolution and furmites before I use it (the vet didn't know much about it, it seemed).

The vet gave me the Revolution for cats 5.1-15 lbs. He told me to use the full dosage and then give another one in 30 days. The rabbit is around 5 lbs, maybe more or less, we didn't get a weight though, but from past vet visits, that's how much she's weighed as an adult.

Is this an accurate dosage and type of revolution that will be safe to use?

Does anyone have experience using it?

Sounds right. Dose is 18mg/kg
Thanks, Watermelons! I know rabbits are pretty sensitive sometimes, I was concerned about putting on too much since a full vial seems like kind of a lot. Does anyone else think a full dose is totally ok? Just checking, I don't want to hurt my bunnies at all!
Rabbits have a much faster metabolism then dogs and cats. And due to this, with the way some drugs are metabolised through their system, require much different doses then dogs and cats. Another common thing to see with heavy infestations is dosing weekly/bi-weekly instead of monthly.

Revolution is a very safe drug. Numerous studies have been done and shown it safe at more then 20x the recommended dose.

5lb rabbit = 2.2kg. 18mg/kg
2.2kg rabbit x 18mg = 39.6mg so round up to a 40mg dose.

The revolution for cats you were given is the "Blue" so it has 45mg per tube.
Here is a break down that shows all the colours in comparison

Im actually really happy to see that your vet actually dosed with the proper rabbit dosing and not just what dogs and cats gets like most "rabbit savvy" vets will do.
(though I have a feeling your vet just went by the weights on the box... its still nice to see a bunny get the proper dose)
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Ok that makes me feel MUCH better, thank you again! He said he hadn't ever treated rabbits (or rats, which is what I brought into him to see) with revolution, but he said that he's treated lots of guinea pigs for mites using the Revolution and it has worked well. I'm glad he gave me the right kind, too!

How do I know if I have a heavy infestation that would better to be treated with bi-weekly rather than 30 day dose? One rabbit has a smallish-medium bald spot behind her shoulders with dandruff, and the other rabbit has nothing. This is the only indication of the mites. She's been like this for at least a month since at first I thought it was just the normal type of bald spots she sometimes gets when shedding so it's gone for a while without being treated.

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