5days ago my rabbit gave birth to 8bunnies. This morning two had escaped the nest and were rather cold. One was barely moving but I placed it back in the nest and seems OK now, the other was not moving anymore but was not stiff either. He was not stone cold, so he either passed away very very shortly or is comatic. I placed him on the radiator to warm him up, but he is not responding, albeit being warm and floppier (rather than stiffer). I read once that grabbed on time, baby bunnies can be revived. How do you do it? I am not sure there is any hope for my little one, but in case it happen again...:cry2
5days ago my rabbit gave birth to 8bunnies. This morning two had escaped the nest and were rather cold. One was barely moving but I placed it back in the nest and seems OK now, the other was not moving anymore but was not stiff either. He was not stone cold, so he either passed away very very shortly or is comatic. I placed him on the radiator to warm him up, but he is not responding, albeit being warm and floppier (rather than stiffer). I read once that grabbed on time, baby bunnies can be revived. How do you do it? I am not sure there is any hope for my little one, but in case it happen again...:cry2