Kadish Tolesa
Well-Known Member
Hi, everyone !It's been awhile since I last posted ....we've been busy with gettingthe flower garden planted , ect. My digital camerais giving me trouble---so i took it to the Best Buy where it waspurchased and had it fixed--as well as cleaned , plus new batteriesinstalled .Now the lens won't retract ! Probably myfault As soon as I get it working, I'd like tosubmit some pic.'s of Gimli ; as well as my otherbunnies. We recently purchased2 beautiful fawn Flemish ; both are9 &10weeks old , respectively . Our family also owns 2 mini-rexand 4 Netherland dwarfs. Gimli is the only one who's neutered, as he's a pet ( now there's a long story ).I've been reading everything I can get my hands on about responsiblebreeding , including posts in this forum . I'd like to know as muchinformation about this topic as I can ;and even then, I'llstill be willing to learn more. All ofmy rabbits are pedigreed and they cost as much as we couldafford. They were actually under-priced IMO, because they ALL havesweet personalities !!! Am I blessed or what ? Weare planning to attend rabbit shows to learn more about showing itselfand also see other people's bunnies ! I can't wait! Next year my bunnies willbe of breeding age ( the dwarfs a little sooner--but they won't be breduntil late spring , due to cold weather ) . Sorry for such a longparagraph, butI wanted to give some background informationbefore asking my question : How does a personknow that their rabbits will sell ?We don't want to breed if people aren't interested in our types ofbunnies.( I was surprised that my Netherland dwarfs were sogentle, since I'd heard that they were rather skittish & nippy.) One good sign about 2 of my breeds of rabbits, isthatboth breeders who sold them to me said they'd beinterested in buying a baby bunny from me nextspring...... We're new to selling rabbits andrabbit showing. On our "to do" list next week will be to jointhe ARBA ., as well as the specialty clubs for our other two breeds! We're really enjoying all ofour bunnies and would like to make them available to others , but Istill want to be a responsible breeder.
Thanks in advance for everyone's advice,corrections, opinions ....well, you know !!
Kadish Tolesa urplepansy:
Thanks in advance for everyone's advice,corrections, opinions ....well, you know !!
Kadish Tolesa urplepansy: