RESOLVED Keep me in your thoughts/prayers today

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I was up till midnight - then up again at 4 so I could check the girls and find out if I need the car...I do. I'm taking Art to work in a few minutes and then heading back to bed till either 8 am or 9 am (neither girl is so critical that it is worth my driving 70 miles with only 4 hours of sleep - and I may wind up with a 70 mile drive one way).

Right now my dilemna I call and talk to the vet and have him prescribe oxytocin for both Girly Girl and Kiwi since I suspect they have retained kits or retained placenta....along with antibiotics I'll INSIST on to keep them from going septic...

.....or do I get them to agree to let me bring them in and be checked there. The thing is....I may wind up with needing one or two c-sections. I'm hoping not.

My biggest concern right now is - if we go the oxytocin route and the girls pass kits - how will I know if it is "enough" and they don't have anything else?

The cheaper route is obviously to get the shot locally (my local vets will not work with rabbits unless maybe it is to do a health certiificate)....but is that the best route? At what point do I know if the doe needs a c-section? Or at what point does the vet know?

If anyone has any answers to those questions between now and 9 am CST - please post them here...or PM them to me...

otherwise - send your thoughts and prayers. This is killing me....I've never had girls have birthing problems like this...and both girls are large enough and healthy enough that we didn't think there would be issues (lionheads generally give birth fairly easily).

For those who don't know - Girly Girl had three babies - two were DOA (1 was a peanut) and Kiwi had three babies - all brokens - all DOA. She's acting like she may still have babies in the other uterine horn (based on my ability to check her out).


P.S. Neither girl is in distress at this point...which is why I'm risking getting the extra sleep - plus the vet doesn't open till 8 am anyway...
Heading to bed now for a short nap....if someone is going to be near the forum AND a phone and would be willing to update the forum once I know something later today....PM me your phone number. I'm not sure what time I'd be calling w/ information -I'm guessing it could be as early as noon EST or as late as 3 pm or so?

Hopefully somebody can do this. I'm barely hangin' in, still under the weather, think I'll be napping pretty quick. :bed:


Really hope everybunny'sokay...

s :imsick:
This is so frustrating - I just told Lisa in IM that both of the girls are drinking and its about to drive me to drinking.

I called the vet today and they suggested that I wait for him to call me back and talk to me. That was about 9:45 am my time (I had to collapse and sleep - I checked the girls at 8:30 but could barely walk around as I was so wiped out....and both girls were just sort of sitting in their nests - not in any distress or anything - so I snoozed...I would have done good to remember my name at the moment).

GG has a bit more blood in her cage - almost as if she peed and there was some blood still on her and it went into the puddle of pee? There were three poops in the pee too...she did it on tile. So I know that right now she is peeing and pooping (sweet girl - letting me know that). It isn't really that much blood - but the fact that it is there says she needs help.

Anyway - both girls are just sitting in their nests...

AND THE VET JUST CALLED....we have an appointment in under 2 hours - so I am gonna go get the girls ready..

This vet doesn't like to do she is going to palpate and then do an XRay and the possibly c-sections if possible....

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

Hey guys...Peg asked me to update you (she asked that I call her while she was out, so I could let ya'll know how the girls are doing).

Peg, please correct any information I may put incorrectly here...

Both girls were examined and given digital xrays and found to be just fine.

Girly Girl's milk came in, and they were able to determine that neither had any remaining kits, but the vet said that in Kiwi's case, maybe the combination of losing her kits, and possible continuing labor pains (as humans also tend to get after labor is complete) may have confused her a bit as far as thinking there were more kits to be had.

The vet also took their weight, just in case she would have to call in a prescription of baytril to Peg's local vet for the girls.

So, Peg's on her way home and the girls are just fine. :)
Why is it everytime I go to a vet with a pregnant girl that appears to be having issues - I wind up much poorer....and only find out that everything is ok?


Seriously though, as it turns out - GG's milk has come in and it looks like she even nursed the baby once (we saw bite marks around a nipple). The only thing we can think of is she wanted to be with the baby all the time since she knew it was the only one....we don't know.

Both girls had x-rays done by a digital x-ray machine. I pointed out to the vet that it is possible for an x-ray to miss a placenta or something and she showed me that GG had shrunk down some and didn't have any more blood. (I think GG cleaned herself up in the car since she knew she was going out somewhere).

The vet was more concerned about Kiwi - but she had no kits in her either and there did not appear to be any placenta, etc. in her. It looked like her milk might have dropped too - and she doesn't have any live kits. The vet wonders if she kept straining because of the fact that she was upset about the empty nest and maybe she felt like she should keep trying?

I don't know - sorta sounded like baloney to me....

I asked for baytril to keep the does from going septic but she is of the mind that don't give it if they don't need it for sure (so that you don't build up a resistance to the drug). She took the weights of both girls and said that IF I felt like they needed it tomorrow - she could call in a script to the local vet for me. She pointed out that both girls had clear eyes and were alert and that GG was even grooming herself (and giving us the butt but she didn't call it that).

She feels like because both girls were first time mamas...that either they didn't know to fully clean up afterwards (GG) or maybe they felt like they still had more kits and had to keep trying (Kiwi).....

I'm not sure what to think...but since we know their milk came in...I'll settle for her reasoning.

I did take one of Isenstar's kits and get Kiwi's scent on it and put it in her nest. I hate having lone kits - although sometimes they are so cute as they bond with mama. I was encouraged by another breeder to rebreed Kiwi in 3 days as she would be ready by then....but after some consideration I decided against it. First of all, she herself is teddy and while I might have been able to get something non-teddy....since I have others that are slick...I might as well use them. Secondly, from the condition of the kits she did have - I suspect she has a small pelvis or birth canal or whatever and that she might have a hard time with a second delivery. Its just not worth risking her health to get kits...she'll either be rehomed as a pet later on or kept here as a pet. I do care about her a lot and it would not break my heart to keep her here as a pet.

Thanks so much to those who were watching and praying and sending good vibes - it meant a lot to me because I cried a lot of the way to the vets....just sure I was going to end up losing one or both girls.....


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