Reserving Rabbits

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Thurston County, Washington, USA me and my sister were going to buy a purebred Mini Rex doe, 9 weeks old, Broken Opal, to breed with Ray,(our REW buck) once she was old enough. We had reserved her (no down payment; the lady didn't mention needing one, etc.) and told the lady we would come bytomorrow and pick her up....She agreed, the bunny was reserved. The sale price was $20...

She e-mails my sister today and says that her neighbour girl came over yesterday and bought our RESERVED rabbit for $50!! :shock:

As if I wasn't already p*ssed off because my fish died, but this!? Wow. I mean, who doesn't know what RESERVATION means?

I want to know what you guys you think she sold the rabbit just because the girl offered $30 more? Or what? I just think this wasn't fair.....yes, we didn't have a down payment, but she had no problem with us reserving the bunny....she knew we would be coming tomorrow to get her.


Some breeders have different sales policies. Could also be she's the type of breeder who are a lot less reputableand aremore interested in making money than worrying about reservations. I wouldn't bother dealing with this particular breeder in the future, and look for a more reputable, well known and respected one :).
Spring, that's exactly what I was thinking. It just made me mad, because she knew we were coming tomorrow to get the rabbit, but then backs out. We aren't going to be buying from her; we're going to keep looking and see if we can find what we were actually looking for - a broken chin doe who's already had a few litters ;)

This lady was a little pushy too....she kept trying to get us to buy like 4 rabbits, breeds we don't need, etc.

Well I would just like to add:

The bunny (her name is sweet pea) and the lady her name is Bonnie.Bonnie never said she was reserved, butthat she would keep heruntil wesaw her anddecided if wewanted her. She had told me that her neighbor was interested and I said I really wanted her. We would come over on Tuesday and look at her, at most likely get her. I knew the neighbor wanted her. Bonnie said she would hold her for me until tuesday. But she didn't.

Now there was another rabbit that we had wanted. But then we saw Sweet Pea and we liked that she was a Broken Opal colour. The other was broken black. Sweet Pea is broken opal. Bonnie wanted said we could take the broken black one for free with Sweet Pea, because she wanted her to go to a good home.

This lady is kinda quirky. She kept saying that she had other bunnies she needed to sell, that it would be nice if me and my sister could both have a doe?! Hereare a few thinsshe said insome emails:

This one below is from her third reply:

"PS I am an older lady, and this is just my hobby."

"Or possibly take two of my 8 week old mini rexes for both of you." This one is from her fifth reply.

"This is the first year I have bred my bunnies. (I am an older lady)" In the sixth reply she states again that she is an older lady.

"Please make sure you want her, as someone else is interested too" In the seventh reply she said this. I replied saying I was very sure I wanted her.

"Hi Not pedigreed because I am not actually a breeder. However, all my bunnies are purebred. I don't show them. It's just my hobby. Sorry" This reply was after I asked her if any of her rabbits were pedigreed.

"I really want Jelly Bean to go to a good home also. If I gave her to you for free, would you want her also?" And this was from the other day.

I kind of thought these were weird. I would like to see pics of her whole setup. Note: This are only a few sentences from each email. except for the 2nd to last thing she said. There is more to the emails.
Sounds to me like she has gotten in over her head with the rabbits, probably didn't realize how many babies they would have and is having a hard time finding homes for them. Telling you repeatedly that she is an older lady may be her way of hinting that she can't handle them and get you to take more.
Yeah and how she said they were her "hobby". I was thinking how great! A woman who thinks breeding animals is a hobby! She is just increasing the population of rabbits even more!
I am so confused!:craziness Are BlueSkyAcresRabbitry and BSAR the same people or what? Sorry if it sounds like a silly question!:bunny5
Dublinperky wrote:
I am so confused!:craziness Are BlueSkyAcresRabbitry and BSAR the same people or what? Sorry if it sounds like a silly question!:bunny5
They are sisters. :)
BSAR wrote:
Yeah and how she said they were her "hobby". I was thinking how great! A woman who thinks breeding animals is a hobby! She is just increasing the population of rabbits even more!
Almost every breeder I know of calls their breeding a "hobby". What is wrong with that?

It isn't a "job" (although it is work) because it doesn't bring in enough income usually to meet the expenses.

The woman who runs one internet list I'm on and is a well-respected breeder - just announced she is getting out of rabbits. Her name is Laurie Stroupe and she had a very popular rabbit website with a LOT of information.

Here is how she worded it on the internet list she runs:

After much deliberation, I have decided to get out of rabbits. My
life is simply too full. I can't remember the last time I had
unscheduled time in my life. Of my two hobbies, rabbits is the one
that I can never share with my husband, due to his allergies, so it's
the one that has to go.

I looked up the word "hobby" on the internet for a definition - here are a couple of them I came up with...

hob·by[sup]1[/sup] play_w2("H0227800") (h
)n. pl. hob·bies An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.

hobby Nounpl -bies an activity pursued in one's spare time for pleasure or relaxation

Noun1.hobby - an auxiliary activityavocation, spare-time activity, by-line, pursuit, sidelinepastime, pursuit, interest - a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly); "sailing is her favorite pastime"; "his main pastime is gambling"; "he counts reading among his interests"; "they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits"spelaeology, speleology - the pastime of exploring caves

So I don't know - what's so wrong with calling it a hobby?

TinysMom wrote:
BSAR wrote:
Yeah and how she said they were her "hobby". I was thinking how great! A woman who thinks breeding animals is a hobby! She is just increasing the population of rabbits even more!
Almost every breeder I know of calls their breeding a "hobby". What is wrong with that?

So I don't know - what's so wrong with calling it a hobby?

I don't know I have just never heard anyone call it that before.

I didn't updateyour post. I justadded toit.This happened to me you know so I can add things if need be. and i wanted to add the stuff from the emails to see what everyone had to say.
Breeding rabbits is my hobby. I do it in my spare time. What I mean by that is I plan when babies will be born so I can make sure that it will not interfere with the shows or my college work. If I do not have the extra time, I put off breeding.

I think you are thinking of Backyard Breeders.

Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
Breeding rabbits is my hobby. I do it in my spare time. What I mean by that is I plan when babies will be born so I can make sure that it will not interfere with the shows or my college work. If I do not have the extra time, I put off breeding.

I think you are thinking of Backyard Breeders.


Good explanation, Starlight :)

I am not going to post here anymore. And I am not going to fix anything that I have said. It stays the way it is.
BSAR wrote:
Yeah and how she said they were her "hobby". I was thinking how great! A woman who thinks breeding animals is a hobby! She is just increasing the population of rabbits even more!

In the eyes of the IRS, most rabbit breeding endeavors are defined as "hobby", and must meet certain requirements to be defined as "business".

i'm not going to say anything other than-

i'm sorry this happened to you guys, i hope you find the bun you're looking for:biggrin2:
Maybe because she is an "older lady" she forgot what she told you. (Trying to give her the benefit of the doubt?)

I'm sorry if you missed out on a nice Mini Rex. I wouldn't deal with her again, she obviously can't be depended on to keep an agreement, even verbal.

As Spring said, look for a more reputable breeder.
Hey, just thought I'd update.

We have found a new breeder with some babies, and we are considering going to look at them. I'm just waiting for the owner to reply and hopefully the kits' parents are pedigreed so that I can write out the babies pedigree.

The colours she has are broken orange & castor. Is broken orange a recognized colour? Would she be showable? Also, would it be okay to breed her with a REW?


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