Hi everyone! I am new, but hope to become a regular. I have a predicament I hope some of you can help me with.
I came home from work today and let my little dog out. He startedsniffing around at a spot in the yard and then my big outdoor dog gotin on the act too. So I investigated and found 3 little newborn bunniesbeing attacked by horrible fire ants. I rescued them immediatelybecause, though the mother may have had a chance to have the babieswhile my older dog slept, there was no way the mother would be comingback unnoticed and the fire ants can kill!! I hate them.
Anyway, I got all of the ants off, I hope, and put them in a box with afuzzy cloth and covered the box to keep it dark. I read that you shouldfeed them only once or twice a day and went to the pet store and gotsome KMR and a syringe. I felt like I should let them rest a bit beforeI try to feed them. I guess that is my question. How long do you thinkI should let them rest? The poor things have some wounds, not very big,but should I do anything about that? Neosporin? I usedplastic gloves (thin) to handle them, but I'm sure it was an ordeal forthem. I would just like to be able to raise them enough to let them go.Poor babies!!!
Thanks in advance!!
I came home from work today and let my little dog out. He startedsniffing around at a spot in the yard and then my big outdoor dog gotin on the act too. So I investigated and found 3 little newborn bunniesbeing attacked by horrible fire ants. I rescued them immediatelybecause, though the mother may have had a chance to have the babieswhile my older dog slept, there was no way the mother would be comingback unnoticed and the fire ants can kill!! I hate them.
Anyway, I got all of the ants off, I hope, and put them in a box with afuzzy cloth and covered the box to keep it dark. I read that you shouldfeed them only once or twice a day and went to the pet store and gotsome KMR and a syringe. I felt like I should let them rest a bit beforeI try to feed them. I guess that is my question. How long do you thinkI should let them rest? The poor things have some wounds, not very big,but should I do anything about that? Neosporin? I usedplastic gloves (thin) to handle them, but I'm sure it was an ordeal forthem. I would just like to be able to raise them enough to let them go.Poor babies!!!
Thanks in advance!!