RESCUE: Highland, MI

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Contact Ad Number: Seller: Highland, MI

Description i have feeder rabbits fore sale live or frozen email me fore price at XXXXX Ad Traffic Times viewed: 62

And he calls himself "Happy Rodent"

Please do not post personal info (including email addresses) of anyone without their expressed permission.



I hurts to see "feeder rabbits" being advertised when you are a hardcore rabbit lover, but you don't see "feeder rabbit" ads very often, so that is a good thing.

Think of how I must feel.....I am a hardcore rat lover. I have two pet rats myself that were meant to be "feeders" from my local mom & pop pet store. I am CONSTANTLY seeing ads for rats for sale as "feeders".

It pains me to see it, but it is a fact of life. Rabbits are the next size up from "jumbo rats" on the food list for snakes. There really isn't much you can do about it. If you "rescue" all the rabbits from this feeder breeder, he will just continue to breed and sell more because he needs to feed his snakes, and supply feeders to customers who can't/won't breed their own.

Thats so sad.

There was this snake video on youtube called "snake excersing" or something, and I watched it because I didnt really understand how they can excersice, and it ended up watching it, and it was a snake eating a big white bunny.

As soon as I saw the first seconds of it, I cried and turned it off. I just couldn't believe it.

undergunfire wrote:
If you "rescue" all the rabbits from this feeder breeder, he will just continue to breed and sell more because he needs to feed his snakes, and supply feeders to customers who can't/won't breed their own.

This is sad but true. :(

Sorry, Pixie, butit's such a no-win situation. 'Rescuing' all his bunnies is just giving this guy more business, allowing him to expand. :(

And as Pam noted, we have rules aboutposting his email address. A link to the ad may have been more acceptable, but this guy didn't intend to advertise in this forum, we can't repost without his permission.

This also opens up the whole 'snakes have to eat,too' argument. This is a rabbit forum, so we're rabbit fans, but even though I'm a vegetarian and don't like to see any animal killed, I can't say thatrabbits should live and snakes should starve.

I hope he'll be encouraged to only sell frozen and that his 'methods' will be reviewedand confirmed as humane. That's about all anyonecan do.

My personal hope -- which may not go over with a segment of the forum, either -- is that 'cloned' meatwill become the preferred method of feedingcarnivores. Scientists are currently growing slabs of meatin labs withoutbrains or form(and thus without feelings).

But that's just myopinion (and vision). I don't want to open up a canof worms, here. (Or a bag of snakes).

sas :sosad

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