REHOME/RESCUE: Mr. Cuddles and Norbert(a)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
California, USA
Well I picked up sherlshine's no-named dwarf hotot today and NinjaKaren dropped off her Norbert.

The no-named hotot was named Mr. Cuddles by my little brothers because he looks so evil and grumpy but the sweetest little cuddler so they thought he should have an over-the-top cute name. He got neutered on Sept 5th of this year. Curious little thing wanted to explore my room immediately after I opened the carrier door and followed me around like a puppy. Doesn't like my cats too much but that's understandable.

Norbert turned out to be Norberta. I think she'll need a new name. Not sure if she's neutered or not. She's a bit standoff-ish but I'm 99% sure that with time and patience, she too with be a loving companion.

Pictures in a few days :)

I'll be in Cypress, CA till about the second week of October. Then I will be driving across Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri then our final destination of Springfield, IL. I'll keep these guys till I could find them a perfect home and if anyone in these states are interested, I'd be willing to make a few detours.

It's quite interesting here right now. I'm keeping Norberta away from everyone else, everybody else away from Mr. Cuddles, Nilla away from Lumi, all in a 10x14 room. Somehow it all works out lmao. I take up the least amount of space around here.
Update : I decided on Norbert(a)'s new name should be Princess and she acts it so! It was her turn to have a run of my room so I opened her cage door and the first thing she does is go to each of the other cages and does this "Oh look at me! I'm out of my cage and you're not!" kind of thing. Then she proceeds in trying to push me off my bed so she could conquer the whole thing! She is not afraid to come at me and try to nip but I won that round :p The funny thing is, she doesn't get along with the other buns but she's fine with my cats. She'll cuddle with them and allow them in her hutch. But god forbid if any of the other buns even look at her hutch lol.

I'm falling for both of then really quick!!! >.<

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