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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2006
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Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA
I'm moving to a much smaller apartment (4bedroom to 1 bedroom) soon and won't have room for my three rabbits.I've been trying to bond all three together (2 neutered males and onespayed female) and have been getting some progress but the date iscreeping up and I won't have room for two pens anymore, and I can'tkeep him in a tiny cage - I'd feel so bad. I'm coming to terms with thefact that I can't keep all three of them. It seems as if the other maleand the female get along better than Nuge and the female, soIprefer to keep those two together.

I'm willing to drive quite a ways to find a new home - 500-600 milesout from Mt. Pleasant, Mi, including Canada. I WILL NOT give him to theHumane Society - they give out buns for free and don't require anadoption form. Nor do they give them veternary care, which rubs mewrong.

He is very homable - he doesn't even get too scared when I use myshop-vac. He's gone up and sniffed it, even. Loud, sudden noises gethim going, of course.

He's a litter box pro, and spoiled. Lots of toys, unlimited hay. Idon't feed greens but for a treat, as I can't go through them fastenough to keep them from spoiling. He eats Purina Rabbit Chow. Hedoesn't chew cords, he learned his lesson when he chewed the phonecord, and got a little tiny zap (not enough to hurt him).

He gets regular veternary care - every 6 months we go. I've had him alittle more than a year, now. He developed a slight maloclusion when Iwas first bonding him and he lost a tooth. This does not interfere withhis ability to eat, his teeth just cross in the front, and doesn't evenneed any upkeep.

I will meet halfway, as well. I'm asking about $40 to cover for gas (depending on how far I have to go.)
He is very handsome! What breed is he? Oh and which county are you in: Isabella County or Allegan County
I think he's a Cinnamon, but I'm not sure. I'mnot a breeder and I don't know any Arba judges, so I can't be sure.He's at 7lbs right now, as a good weight for him too.

I might note that he's pretty good with getting his nails clipped (I did it last night).

I'm in Isabella County.
I could be wrong, but he looks like a Siamese Satin to me. How old is he?
Hey there!

I dont know what kind of housing you have right now, but would it besomething where you could just build a large NIC condowiththe pairon the bottom and the onebunon top? That would save a lot of room and you could stillkeep them.

It seems like you really love them and he might be better off with you, even if space is a bit limited.
I would rather keep him, and I figured it'd be along process, but I was hoping that if I wasn't able to, that theremight be someone out there. I have no idea how small this apartment isgoing to be that I'm moving into.
how is the search going?

keep us updated!
I've decided that I'm definitely going to wait till after I get settled in the new apartment before I make any decisions.
Martin and LuLu are absolutely adorable together (constantly grooming - it's so cute!) but Nuge looks lonely.
I really don't want to let him go so if there's any chance of being able to fit two pens in my new living room I think I'd want to get another bun to bond with him. He's such a dear but really seems depressed being in his pen by himself. Probably watching Martin and LuLu get lovey dovey isn't helping too much either. I switch LuLu back and forth between the two though, lol.
i think you are making a great decision. becausehonestly he will most likly be happier with you in the end then in anyother home, even if he has to give up a little cage space!

keep us updated!