Ya might try giving whoever wants to take her the information for that Animal Birth Control place I gave you in another thread!
I was going to post all the information here, then I realized it was YOU that I'd given the information to before! Hehe!
So, give that a shot...maybe try spaying her before rehoming her, or giving the interested parties that information for them, so they know of a good, bun-savvy place to get her spayed for a more reasonable amount of money!
Wish I could take her, but we've five right now, are about to move, and two weeks after moving, we'll be taking in six more...so we're full up for right now. Maybe once I'm used to having eleven, we could foster her for ya, or help in rehoming her. But right now, we've just got too much on our plate...
I'm sorry I can't take her...she's really beautiful...